Red Meat Causes Cancer??? (But, what About the Research?) 2024

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No dietary subject has been subject to more obfuscation and confabulation than the debate around whether red meat and processed meat increase cancer risk, or not. If meat is dangerous then you deserve to know. If meat is, in fact, a healthy food for humans, then you deserve to know that as well.

The I.A.R.C., an agency of the World Health Organization, has proclaimed fresh red meat as a probable cause of cancer, and processed meat as a convincing cause of cancer. This proclamation has left many in fear of eating the delicious nutrition given by red meat, whether processed or not. If this Opinion is based on good research and fact, then we should not eat meat. If, however, this Opinion is based on faulty research and bias, then it becomes our job to proclaim the truth to the world.

This video is the first of several to examine the "meat issue" and help you decide if meat is safe nutrition for your family, or a carcinogenic poison to be avoided.

ACP Article showing defects in studies touted as "proving" red meat will cause cancer:

------- Join me and let's optimize your health! -------

Thanks so much to our Champion Patrons, Dennis, Susie H, Michael T, Kimberly M, Jerimiah J., Rumi K, Mary C, Lisa G, Paul R, Doyle R, Gonzo, Robyn D, Jeff P, Joe W and John C for helping make this video possible…

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.

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Рекомендации по теме

Americans changed there diet as advised since 1970. What do we have to show for it, diminished health, increased disease and death. I started a LCHF diet seven weeks ago, lost 20 pounds and feel noticeably better. Thank you for your videos. You are making a difference in people’s lives.


Red meat offers nutrition you can find in no other food. Share this video with friends who fear meat because they deserve to know!


Wasted a year and a half of my life and totally wrecking my health believing the WHO. Even after I stopped eating vegan and started to incorporate cooked meat back into my diet I was scared to eat cured meat. I found this so liberating knowing that I can eat sandwiches and holiday ham without feeling guilty now. Thank you so much you have freed me from my doubts. I could cry right now. I am still recovering from nutritional deficiency and cell damage.


I used to love steak, eggs, bacon, ham, butter, sausages, and black coffee with cream, before they told me it was bad for me. Thank God I can eat those things again without the guilt or paranoia.


After a heart attack at 50 I went along with the "Diets" for years. Later I had 2 stents. I fought high triglycerides and low HDL since then. Stopped eating red meat for years and guess what? Had double bypass surgery at 71. My HDL was never more than 30 and my triglycerides was over 200. After being on the Keto diet for the past 2 months I have lost 20 pounds, my triglycerides is 133, my blood sugar is around 90-100 consistently and my HDL is 39 for the first time ever. This diet works.


I have been doing carnivore for the past year, but finally strictly for the last two months. I no longer have hypoglycemia or endometriosis symptoms, my anxiety and depression, memory and brain function have massively improved, I’ve lost thirty pounds and I have ENERGY. I have been vegetarian/vegan all my life and have always been sick. I can finally sleep well!!! I have had doctors who tell me I should be eating pasta and veges, right after I tell them about my hypoglycemia and celiacs disease and can no longer tolerate plants. 😵‍💫 Carnivore has saved my life!!


My grandmother died peacefully in her sleep at 104 yrs old so did her mother, she was 102. Neither were vegan/vegetarian.


People often warn of the dangers of a high animal fat/protein diet. I like to tell them that I am well aware of the dangers, as it killed my grandmother at the age of 101. Interestingly all of her five children (my father included) died of, or with, cancer between the ages of 58-80. They all followed a low fat diet and took cholesterol lowering medications recommended by their doctors. I know which path I will follow. Thanks Dr Berry for helping people determine their own health destinies.


Thank you for this informative video. I am a vegetarian who felt my views were supported by the WHO when it came out against meat and processed meat (deli). Like many, I just went by the headlines and articles for lay people in the vegetarian/vegan press. Talk about your bias!

I am a PhD with some training in stats (I'm a qualitative researcher) and taught research methods for years (including teaching grad students about bias in their work). Even with this background, I just went by the headlines, which reinforced my belief that processed meat had to be terrible for your health.

I still wouldn't eat it, but I no longer believe that plain meat - a steak, a chicken breast, etc. - will hurt you. Of course, it kills the animal, so there's that issue, but in terms of diet, natural meat products are probably okay. Despite my personal beliefs, I have to look at human history and recognize that most societies eat some kind of meat. None of us would be here if it were that bad for humans.


If people did a tiny bit of research into who the president of WHO is, snd what he did to the country's people that he dictated to, I think they'd think twice about who WHO really is and what they are about. It's not about good human health.


I finally figured it out, unless it is infectious disease or trauma, whatever conventional medical advice is, do the exact opposite and you will be okay. Great video, thanks for all your time to teach us these things.


Thank you for this informative video. I am a healthy 80 year old woman. I have not had a cold or flu in over 40 years. I eat red meat, eggs, butter, and cheese with a single serving of vegetables every day. Some days I will eat fish or seafood. I've not had alcohol or sugar for the last thirty years. I am ridiculed by vegan and vegetarian friends, or those who substitute meat with chicken and turkey. I started my meat struggle back in the day when the government put out the food pyramid that suggested eating massive amounts of grains and almost no meat. My family always served meat when I was growing up, so the food pyramid was a shock to me when it appeared and everybody was hailing it as a savior.

Recently, I watched a documentary about Aancient Britain reporting our hunter-gather ancestors who were extremely healthy, as they only ate the meat they hunted. Disease began to enter into their lives when they settled down and began raising grain products for food. Also, watched another documentary about the female reindeer herders of the far norther area of Europe. They only eat meat, always healthy.


I have struggled with gastric/bowel issues for most of my life and tried eliminating various items (eggs, milk, meat) from my diet in and effort to ease my divestive/health problems, but guess what no improvement and if anything the problems got worse.
Then several months ago I decided to try a Keto/IF eating plan and the effects have been a revelation!
My gastric issues have disappeared, as have my inflammation/arthritic issues, as have my vast amount of belly fat.
So in my 70s my health has improved dramatically, I'm back to a waist size that I haven't seen since my teens!
All down to a healthy diet, of "Bacon, Butter and Beef"👍👍👍👍👍👍


Man ate red meat for literally ten-thousands of years. Thinking logically for 2 minutes solves this question.


There's a guy on utube by the name of Fred Evrard who had stage 3 colon cancer and his diet which led him into complete remission included a big fat juicy steak every day.


After being diagnosed as a diabetic, I was advised, of course, to cut out saturated fats and get plenty of "good" whole grains and oats. I tried being vegan for a while but it didn't help. Metformin didn't seem to help either. Started keto a couple months ago and I had to ween myself off my meds because my sugar was getting a little too low!! When I was first diagnosed a year and a half ago, my FBS was 351 at the doctor's office. My A1C was over 11. I wasn't too overweight (31 years old at the time, weighed about 190-200, and 5'9" tall) and I had 0 symptoms, so I had no idea. I just went in from an infection from a tick bite (tested positive for Lyme's at the same time as diabetes). As of now, my morning FBS is running about 120, going down steadily over the past couple months. During the day time it stays around 90-100. I know with time that 120 will go down, as it has been doing from where it started. The ketogenic diet has literally saved me. It would never have crossed my mind in a thousand years to eat lots of fat and avoid carbs. Without this being known and shared by others, I would have continued with the doctor's recommended diet and it would have just ended badly, early for me. Thank you, Dr Berry, and to everyone else who is putting this info out there for us.


And they did such a bang up job on the Covid-19 pandemic 👌🏻


As a Psych undergraduate I am learning the importance of quality research and how to properly obtain data so this blew my mind. I have been weary of processed meat for awhile but this video has helped lighten my perspective. I also am going Keto again and have found your videos to not only be helpful but educational! Thanks for the quality content


To be honest I never really believed that red meat was bad because it caused cancer, I wonder if you have done or could a video about if it is bad or not due to the hormones and antibiotics and diets/living conditions given to the animals during their lifespan. I would love to eat meat from the grocery store to save money but I feel like I must stick to organic/free range/grass fed type proteins and have them less often than I'd prefer to. Like this if you agree!


Thank you for these studies, it's exactly what I was looking for. I am also genetically inclined to colon cancer and have had gut issues as long as I can remember, I'm 37. I just had my first colonoscopy this year, and am scheduled to have them every 5 years from now on. Since going keto 3 months ago, my gut issues have improved significantly. 🙏
