THIS Is Causing the Christian Worldview to COLLAPSE in America

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America is very Godless as it stands today, but it wasn’t long ago that we were a predominantly Christian nation. In this presentation, I discuss why we’ve seen this radical shift in the United States.

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Wonderful explanation, Mr Ham! I'd like to add that our churches have become secular, so even if people "go to church", they're often going to churches that do not preach the Gospel.


Some leave Churches because the Church has turned away from their doctrine and God, becoming more secular and Mosques. Remember, the Church is not a building, it is truly saved Born Again Believers.


Psalm 80! Turn us to yourself again Oh, Lord…


As Yeshua=Jesus said: At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. - Matthew 24:10-14


Television was also a a huge factor to normalize SECLARIZATION!


As a public school teacher, I beg all parents to homeschool or find a school run by a church that is Biblical. Please! Over the past 35 years the situation has become absolutely dire. Please! 😭


When rot begins it eats away getting worse and worse until it is all ruined and destroyed. Throwing God and Christ and the truth out the window and welcoming the many lies of the father of lies has consequences.


I was born in the early 1950's.
We had a "Prayer" at the start of every School Day. AND then stood to say the "Pledge of Allegence".
There was a big, beautiful American FLAG in every classroom. And at Assembly or before a school event, there was always a Prayer. The "Invocation"!
And any boy caught sneeking into the Girls locker room was kicked OUT OF SCHOOL .


In all honesty, we have lost Christian ethics in America because the church quit being the church and became a book selling institution promoting programs instead of the simplicity of the real gospel and showing hospitality that included discipleship. Nowadays, we can go to divorce recovery classes and meet a new spouse and men who are addicted to pornography can read a book that says it’s every man’s battle instead of falling under church discipline like they did in the past. Women are taught subtly through religious books that their number one priority is not God first and their family second but their well-being is most important . Very few are teaching Colossians, 3:1-3 and Hebrews, 2:1 anymore, This is my humble opinion.


Communism, no god.
Evolution, no god
Creation. Know God


Amen!! You are right on and 100% correct. Thank you for boldly proclaiming the unchanging Truth of God's Word.


I believe a lot of the generational loss has to do with the "charismatic" movement. People are going to church to be entertained instead of to be fed. My wife, stepkids, and I visited a Calvary Chapel near Seattle. When we took her teens to the youth service, I couldn't help but notice a bunch of teens gathered around an arcade-type machine.

The sad thing is that her kids aren't interested in church; we went to that church because they have a later youth service, so we have a higher likelihood of getting them to church instead of sleeping in. Not entirely their fault, though, because they grew up being entertained at church instead of being taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We pump these poor children full of "worship" music, entertain and feed them to keep them there, and then we wonder why they fall away when they grow up. Kids, teens, and adults all need the same thing: THE WORD OF GOD: Jesus Christ.


Thank you for this WONDERFUL POST!! GOD BLESS!!


I was born in the early 50s and didn't get saved until July of 1980. Hearing the Gospel is what save me, I wasn't going to church at that time, I wasn't living a good life at that time, I got saved simply by hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And in these last days the Gospel is just as powerful as it was during the time of the book Acts, and those who hear it today will be saved.


Thank you Mr. Ham for your untiring fight for the truth of the bible. You helped me, coming back to the believe in the truth of the 6-Days-Creation. God may help America and the western world, to make atonement and turn back to the bible. Greatings from Germany.


"That's narrow minded!" Yes! Jesus said the way to life was narrow.


Not just America!
It's happening here in Australia, too.


Yes, fewer people are going to church, but it's not all because of people leaving the faith. Some of us just felt under-fed and had a deeper hunger for the Word, not just a few verses on Sunday morning but hours of study through a whole book or comprehensive study of a topic.

Most churches appeal to new believers or even unbelievers, or at best people who just want to squeeze God into an hour on Sunday morning and sing a few songs. Some of us have wanted more, so we left. We started studying independently and fellowshipping in smaller groups. We don't appear in most statistics.


I believe everything Ken said in this video is true; I also believe the Church has poured gasoline on this fire by: teaching wrong theology; having an inconsistent, non-Biblical lifestyle; promoting a model of leadership that condones egotism, scandal, and abuse—and selecting people for leadership who fit these characteristics; covering over these wrongdoings rather than addressing them and promoting healing; and by being preservational instead of missional ("the world is my enemy whom I hate and must avoid" vs. "the world is lost, and I must reach them and show them who the LORD is, so they will know the truth."


It’s so true. Tolerance is preached to let evil in the door.
