12 Major Retailers Are Absolutely Falling Apart In 2023

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12 Major Retailers Are Absolutely Falling Apart In 2023

This year is shaping up to be the worst for bankruptcies since the turmoil of 2020, with familiar names vanishing from the market. The decline in foot traffic, especially in urban areas, has dealt a severe blow to the once-mighty players. With consumers tightening their purse strings and the specter of a recession looming, the Sales graveyard may expand further. The question now is, which brands will be the next to succumb to the unforgiving retail landscape in 2023?
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You forgot one very important point of target promoting the LGBT movement even to our children and toddlers in clothing


We avoid Target like the plague. I don’t like their position on a lot of social issues and we will support other stores that don’t make us endorse their insanity.


I rarely pay full price for any clothing other than undergarments. I shop the clearance racks at Wal-Mart and the thrift shops when I need to replace a clothing item that is worn-out or has unrepairable damage or a permanent strain. I have zero interest in over-priced designer fashion, am not trying to impress anyone with what I wear, and I stick with basic, comfortable, practical clothing. And I only buy clothing items that can be machine washed at home and do not need pressing -- no dry cleaner's bills for me. I usually do not pay full price for footwear either. Instead, I shop Amazon Warehouse and look for good quality shoes in my size that someone returned. This way I get my shoes about 40% off the retail price and if the shoes do not fit, I can return them at zero additional cost because I have a Prime membership. The membership more than pays for itself over the course of a year of price-conscious shopping.

My spouse and I make most of our meals at home and often pack a lunch and brew a Thermos of coffee or bring an insulated bottle of iced, filtered tap water if we will be away from home during lunchtime. No expensive, mediocre, fast-food meals for us just because we failed to plan ahead.

And we never go grocery shopping when we are hungry. We bring a grocery list with us, so we do not forget to buy an essential item and then have to waste fuel on a second trip. We compare the "per unit" prices on basic foods in different stores and have zero store or brand loyalty. If it costs less per ounce to buy the really big package of pork chops or chicken breast halves or boneless steaks when it goes on sale, that is what we will do. We just re-package the meat into smaller parcels using Food Saver bags and the Food Saver vacuuming machine and freeze what we will not use right away. Ditto for the big double bags of shredded cheese from a wholesale club. And we buy the 24-count of raw eggs from Sam's Club or Costco instead on paying more per egg to buy just a dozen at a regular supermarket.

We shop Amazon Wholesale for discounted coffee flavoring syrups, flavored creamers and k-cups (aim for 40 cents or less per k-cup) instead of buying very expensive coffee drinks from Starbucks or some other coffee shop. We can always add a whipped cream topping to our home-brewed coffee drink using the canister of real dairy whipped cream in our refrigerator. I can make my own large size pumpkin spice latte for less than 75 cents.

We stock up on basic shampoo, bar soap and other toiletries from a dollar store or from Amazon when this costs less than similar products from Wal-Mart or a pharmacy or supermarket. If we want something frivolous such as a designer brand cologne or a Yankee brand scented jar candle, we will wait until after Christmas when a lot of this is deeply discounted or buy from Amazon Warehouse when the weather is cool enough to safely ship temperature-sensitive things.

For real paper page books, music CDs and movie DVDs, it is hard to beat the prices at a thrift shop or a garage sale or a used version from Amazon. We rarely pay full price for books, music or movies. We rarely go out to a movie theater because this is too expensive. Ditto for paying to attend a music concert. Or a Disney vacation. We dropped most of our magazine subscriptions and rarely buy magazines from bookshops and newsstands because even a subscription is too now expensive per magazine, in my opinion, and advertising usually makes up more than half the content. This usually makes a magazine page of non-advertising content more expensive than several printed pages from a full-price hardback book. And that does not make economic sense to me. I can get back issues of magazines at my local thrift shop for less than $1.00 each. And who cares if a cooking magazine is three years old? It is new to me, and the recipes are still good to use.

The advantage of frugal living --- of not shopping at stores that have over-priced merchandise. of not buying frivolous items and of waiting for bargain prices, is I pay less for what I truly need and have money left over for savings and investments. And I do not have to live from paycheck to paycheck spending it all every month for full-priced goods and services I do not truly need or build up high-interest debt on credit cards for purchases I cannot afford or worry how I will pay for an unexpected repair bill or ER visit. So, my spouse and I wear our unfashionable practical clothing and discounted shoes, make frugal meals at home, enjoy bargain entertainments, drive a well-maintained older vehicle that we own outright as well as a newer secondhand one we paid cash for and live in a formerly repossessed house we own outright. Our quality of life is good, and our cost of living is low because we have created this through years of frugal living and sensible decisions. We are not slaves to fashion or to expensive fads or habitual users of harmful and expensive substances, no one is making a huge profit off what we do purchase, and we get to keep a good portion of our income to invest. Over time, frugality and commonsense pay off. Frugality is not compatible with instant gratification or the need to create the illusion of prosperity. No conspicuous consumption and showing off for us. Just the self-discipline to stick with frugal habits and a good financial plan. It is up to us to choose how best to spend our money -- no one else can do this for us.


People are too poor to shop now
No disposable incomes


USA greatly needs to put a stop to all this "Upper Levels" in Government "Go Easy on the Criminals" stuff, by DA's Judges, Police, Mayor's, etc.


Gooodbye and good riddance to Woke Target


I used to love Boston Market..The decline in quality has ended my buying meals there..I used to stop for dinner meals for my family one night a week coming home from work..NO longer.


You failed to mention that in August of 2023 Boston Market had 27 of their locations in New Jersey closed because Boston Market owed a combined total of $600, 000.00 in back wages to their employees!


Target employees are too creapy i shop amazon


Why don't retailers revitalize downtowns. Before Walmart it was Malls who destroyed downtown areas. Look at any movie before 1960. Downtowns had Dime Stores, Specialty Stores where a man could get a suit and a special fitter that could alter a suit to fit as if made for the purchaser. There were candy stores, diners, theaters, a bus service that could take you to your neighborhood or to a Greyhound that would take you anywhere. We had parades and beautiful decorations for holidays. On Saturday nights families would stroll down the street and window shop where kids could dream about holiday presents. Families only needed one car because busses where cheap and could take mom and/or the kids to town. Stop tearing down the trees to build these stupid box stores that end up vacant. These store make the scenery UGLY!!! Give us back our downtowns - or uptowns as we called it in our neighboring city. Buildings use to be tall stately buildings with beautiful archistructure and are still standing after a hundred years, yet buildings from the 60's and beyond are ugly and falling apart? Ever since the Mall took business away from downtown the areas away from downtown are full of falling apart block buildings surrounded by crumbling blacktop. This is what they cut down all the trees for. Rich folks just care about money and do not care what they destroy to get what they want and do not need.


Bed Bath and Beyond stopped selling My Pillow so did Target.
My Pillow is still in business. Target is on its way out BBB is gone


Wages aren't going up and the job market is bad. That's why. We don't have the money to buy.


Looks good on target. I never liked it anyway.


Pick in season fruit, make enough bulk desserts to freeze . Saves a load.


Is it just a coincidence that only big box companies were allowed to be open during the sniffles bogus scare?


Many of the stores presented in the video are clearly "upmarket" stores and is not entirely reflective of the health of the market as a whole. Many towns and small cities have few or any of these stores. I seriously doubt that moving into more rural territories is truly an answer because many of the towns are usually lower cost of living and lower wage earning. And if they think they can take advantage of that, how long until they drive prices and wages up in towns where the populations are already living paycheck to paycheck and suffering from financial stress?

It's a losing strategy in the long run. And honestly? Most people who live in smaller towns don't like the idea of large, chain stores taking over the local economy and putting mom and pop stores at risk. Yes it's capitalism, and yes it's competition. But when does the competition become so predatory that all it does is bulldoze businesses who already run a thin margin?


I have had to increase my stealing in order to counter act the effect of inflation! Whats this world coming to! At this rate I will have to work for a living! Not fair!


Your sister channel must be the Epic Economist. I just saw the same video except the voice actor on the other channel used a different voice. 😊😊😊😊


Everything is digital all retail coming to smart city brother
