Media Literacy and Dune

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Lead them to Paradise

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Tracks Featured (listed as they appear):
Hub - Ed Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures
Codestream - The Matrix: Path of Neo OST
Logic and Tricks - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST
Myself and I - Niklas Gabrielsson with Martin Landstrom and His Orchestra
Moving On - Rimworld OST
Desert Exploration 2 - Starbound OST
Super Dry Dance - Earthbound OST
Theme Song - Ed Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures
Lethal Lava Land Desert - Super Mario 64 OST
Cliff Town - Spyro The Dragon OST
Second Confluence - Journey OST
Jazz Personality - Sarah The Instrumentalist

0:00 Media Literacy
7:35 Ad Break
8:35 Dune
15:45 Being Correct About Dune
24:20 The Worm King
32:45 I'm Doing My Part
36:50 Outro

Рекомендации по теме

As usual I'm going to use this as a spot to reply to frequent comments/criticisms, will try to keep updated as more come in (DUNE BOOK SPOILERS);
1. "Leto II wasn't trying to 'unify' humanity, he was trying to scatter them/had other motives."
'Unify' was a phrase used more to talk about Ozymandias in that section but either way I think this is splitting hairs in full context. I don't mean Leto II wanted to physically unify humanity but I think it is inarguable that he saw in the Golden Path a potential to turn humanity collectively against 'great men', and that's the context I was discussing it in the video. I agree he had other complex motivations, but this was an attempt to simplify several books of Villain Monologue into a more straightforward point.
2. "Lady Jessica didn't actually know how to trick Mapes and lucked into it."
This is a lot more fair and would've been worth properly addressing beyond just the excerpt on-screen showing it - when I say that Jessica knew how to manipulate Mapes, this was a comment on her knowledge of the Missionaria Protectiva that she was trying to exploit from the start of her time on Arrakis. At the time of writing the video I was worried I was getting too granular in talking about that specific scene so I considered her 'maker' mix-up a less relevant detail, but it's definitely worth pointing out.
3. "Lawrence of Arabia is more critical of the white savior trope than you gave it credit."
As a fan of the film myself this was also a case of cutting down the script in a way that may have oversimplified it - I definitely maintain that Lawrence of Arabia perpetuated some ideas/aesthetics that Dune is a commentary on, but I agree that there is a surprising amount of commentary in the film and I think I'd like to delve into this further with a future video.

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God I love the feeling of finding out that I've happened to completly avoid everyone on the internet complain about something dumb


Dune is a story about your boyfriend getting redpilled into starting a podcast that slowly grows a following because his mom is actually the one managing it.


I think you've missed the forest for the trees. Fundamentally, the deeper and more human thread running through the Dune series is "Wow, cool, big worm."


My homie who is a lifelong Dune fan called it years ago when he said " I fear the nerdosphere is not mentally ready for Dune part 2."


Paul: “These magical space drugs will DEFINITELY make things clear.”

Space Drugs: “You need to become a worm and genocide humanity to make it stronger.”

Paul: “The math checks out but I’m conflicted…”


“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Yes, dear.”
“What if I were a worm-god who suppressed human development for two thousand years?”
“Uhhh that’s a more complicated question”


What's funny is that Paul is literally no one's chosen one. He's not the Fremen chosen one because that's a story manufactured by the Bene-Gesserit, and he's not the Bene-Gesserit chosen one because according to their plans he never should've been born.


My reading of Dune's central theme ist that wherever you are in the universe, you can always find a good deal on a Duncan Idaho (slightly used)


I say it every single time - those “gurus” don’t actually want for the Matrix to crumble, they want to climb on top of it and replace the current “authority”. They’re not rebels, they’re pretenders.


Can we just lock all the "Dune is about traditional family values and good conquering evil" people and the "Dune promotes a white saviour" people in an arena and let them sort it out?


Ah yes, Alia and Jessica's story is very pro life, with the mother who later genuinely considers whether she should have killed her daughter in infancy because of the horrendous atrocities she commits in her later life


11:40 The funny part is that, in the book, Pauls mother nearly failed the test and it was only due to dumb luck that she suceeded. The answer "A Maker" referes to the knive being the tooth of a sandworm, which the Fremen call 'Makers' for making the spice. However, in the book it was made clear by an inner monolog that Jesica didn´t just wanted to say "A maker-", but "A Maker of death" refering to the knives purpose as a ritual weapon. She would´ve answered the question wrong if Mapes breakdown hadn´t interupted her answer half way.


That lady calling Jessica a good mom is comical. She's my favorite


The bene-gesserit propaganda was so good they even convinced real life conservatives.


I just thought it was a really weird way for the Wonka series to go


Paul magically summoning rain in the David Lynch one always made me laugh, because that would exterminate all of the sandworms and stop Spice production permanently. Water is a deadly poison to the sandworms.


Seeing Dune subreddit posters ask why Paul in the movies made them feel a little uncomfortable is kinda beautiful. Boi are they in for a treat 🥲


i cannot wait for the Dune Messiah movie and for all these people to claim that Frank Herbert went woke in 1969


I remember when Paul told Chani "lol you have no media literacy, of course my visions mean that, get ratio'd"
