Harvey Levin's Never Before Told Story About O.J. Simpson | TMZ Live

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Harvey recalls an old tip he followed up on while working at KCBS Los Angeles about O.J. Simpson years before the infamous murder and trial.

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Harvey Levin's Never Before Told Story About O.J. Simpson | TMZ Live
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He abused her for years and she finally divorced him, as he continued to stalk and eventually brutally take her life and Ron’s another horrific detail about OJ killing his ex-wife and Ron Goldman when the police called him to let him know what happened he didn’t even say where’s my children. What about my children? He didn’t give a rats ass about his children or their well-being because he knew he just murdered their mother. If the neighbor hadn’t found their deceased bodies, those children would’ve woken up to that horrific scene.


Actually, every time Nicole called the police during a domestic abuse situation the police would show up and then shoot the breeze with oj - even if he thrashed her car…not to mention HER. Poor girl never stood a chance against his popularity. Men and their “balls” I tell ya.


So TMZ CAN be serious. Thought I saw a pig fly.


This is the most humane commentary I've ever heard from tmz and it is good to hear the care, humanity, and honesty. Grateful you posted it. You have a powerful platform, use it to do more from the heart in the future. You have the power to contribute and make a difference
This video is refreshing and I'm sure not easy to do and say
Thank you


I waited over 4 minutes for this story to seem interesting.


I wish Harvey would write a book about his experiences in the industry


A real man never lays a hand on a woman.


In the book " If I did it " OJ downplays this incident .... He downplays a lot and shifts the blame on Nichole ... So sad ...


If only... That really is heartbreaking... She was screwed over in life and in death


You didn't get fooled...
She did.
The real lesson: Justice isn't always just.


This poor woman R.I.P, she should of never stayed with him


Nothing is going to change in the O.J. case now, but speaking as a former trial lawyer of thirty years that case was lost because of some of the most flagrant and irresponsible ERRORS that a prosecution lawyer could have committed...AND THIS IS NOT " HINDSIGHT "...it is what many of us LAWYERS and other commentators said at the time of the trial.

I don't know if DARDEN decided to do this himself, although I have to believe it was approved by the whole team, but allowing the adversary to control a piece of evidence and allowing O.J. to try on the murder gloves without knowing in advance the outcome of the try-on violates two of the most fundamental and basic rules of trial management and of cross-examination.

This is besides the incomprehensible fact that they allowed O.J. to try on " shrunken " leather gloves, shrunken by having been drenched in blood and then dried, which would already have made them not fit the original hands, ON TOP of other plastic gloves !

NO GLOVE WOULD FIT IF OUT ON TOP OF ANOTHER GLOVE....and leather shrinks...something this jury was never explained

There was enough CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE in this case to convict twenty O.J.'s.

The victims blood on his socks, in his car, in his house etc., etc., etc., but they screwed up the explanation of what CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE means to the jury so badly that nobody could understand it and that this by itself created the " DOUBT " which the jurors thought they could base themselves on. They had to accept the Defense unfounded premise that the police were going around " SPRINKLING " the blood sample from O.J. all over the place and " planting " the evidence. They would have needed a GALLON of his blood for it to have been found in all the places it was found.

Then the prosecution did not rebut Cochran's theatrics of putting on a cap IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, standing next to the jury box and asking the jury if they " recognize " him...implying that O.J. would have been recognized even if had been wearing a cap...without reminding the jury that O.J. was wearing the cap at NIGHT in the DARK!

The L.A. jury might have been tainted, stupid, naive or racially biased but the prosecution messed this up so badly that the jury would have been justified in coming to their decision in any case.

This same evidence was enough in the CIVIL CASE because those lawyers did not screw it up


Why wait so long to tell a story that can't be verified?


I wonder if the bad publicity would have made a difference for OJ then. Would it have saved Nicole and Ron's lives?


If you and your partner/spouse can't see eye-to-eye, don't try to control them by ANY means. Even if you're justified in your anger and in the right, do not resort to violence. Always leave, for good, if you ever feel that violence is the only way to make someone listen. And always do your research and really get to know who someone is and what they're really about in terms of their morals, politics, ideals, addictions, etc... And try to not let your ego determine who you end up with.


Harvey never divulge what you know to another lawyer. Didn't they teach you that in Law 101.


Interesting story. I wasn't even aware that Simpson had a history of violence against his wife until the murders happened.


If the beatings and photos were so severe, then wouldn't the Judge look bad for letting it go? But with no press there to cover it, I guess it just got buried. Sad and pathetic.


could have gotten the the transcript from the court appearance after wards...and still broke the big story....why didn't he do that?


Harvey got bamboozled that time! Howard and I laughed a lot about him when we came back to have drinks at Rockingham that day.
