LEC Highlights ALL GAMES W8D1 Spring 2022 | Week 8 Day 1

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LEC Highlights ALL GAMES W8D1 Spring 2022 | Week 8 Day 1 - SK vs RGE, AST vs MSF, VIT vs MAD, G2 vs XL, FNC vs BDS

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who else but Hyli to whip out the Renata first...good shit


Promisq is the type of support u allways get in your promotion 🤣🤣🤣


Wtf was that Vit vs Mad Game.
CC for life game plus Carrzy doesnt press preemptive flash when hes clearly being focused on.. My eyes.


EU superteam isn’t doing so hot right now


Always bds support and top inting interesting


Its unbelievable how BDS has 4 victories. Maybe Cinkrof is the only salvageable part, but the rest is absolutely hot garbage. Its time for the org to promote everyone from their french league roster and hope for the best. That Adam flash to kill a cornered Graves was some Silver III soloq classic.


And Vetheo got mvp for this match...again...people are blind


I awlways like when yasuo loses in pro play :)


Really wouldnt mind vitality not making playoffs. Theyre playing some of the most simple easy, predictable and pretty easy to counter league. They play weakside bot. Give alphari the best possible matchup and he wins, like he always does but for some fucking reason hes still playing renekton alot while that champ is so fking pointless after the 30th nerf. Perkz and selfmade play a combo, what makes the win con so fucking obvious. And this game MAD finally is playing poppy, something most teams refuse to do for some reason. They almost never have any long term dmg, they play purely one shot, carzzy is just put on jhin and lethality xayah even if they have a tf so u make sure u cant win if u snowball. Idk if they still have the same coaching staff through all the years but if u do maybe its time to change it up instead of just trying to buy the best possible players available while still playing these insanely straightforward ez to counter comps. Same shit last year with Lider having to play melee champs into 5 champs with point and click CC every fking game.
