When people tell me they can’t go vegan: My answer

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My therapist refers to herself as 80% plant based. If she wants a bit of some meat or wants a cup of milk, , , she’ll have it. But she actively chooses to stray away from animal based products on a regular basis. I’ve always found that a cool!


But usually the alternatives aren't pocket friendly


Going vegetarian is still a better option if you can't go vegan.
If you can't be vegan go vegan-ish.


There is a difference between vegetarian and vegan. You can be a vegetarian if vegan is too much for you. Majority of Indians are vegetarian not vegans.


I’m a vegetarian who only eats my friends’ backyard chicken eggs so I KNOW they’re happy and healthy. It is so irritating when vegans berate me for eating eggs as though my eggs and factory farmed eggs are the same, and as if my not eating meat doesn’t matter. We’re all doing this together! Every bit counts! There is more important stuff to be doing than picking each other apart!


It makes me so happy that you are so understanding. Making such a huge change in one's life isn't easy and it's even easier to fall back into old habits (eating animal products). I'm trying to eat more alternatives but I just can't really afford them as they're quite expensive.


Im just confused about refusing to eat eggs. Ive raised chickens for years with nothing but love and care, they lay eggs daily no problem. I dont force them, the eggs aren’t fertile, the chickens dont care that i take them at all (and will even start kicking eggs out of the coop if it gets too crowded, or theyll just eat them), and the eggs actually give me a good idea of how the chickens are doing physically. I get not eating meat, but eggs dont harm the animal in ANY way? If raised right obviously, but thats like saying you dont think dogs should be legal because some people abuse dogs lol (looking at you PETA).


Truly, you’re an inspiration. I currently live in a culture(and house) that ridicules me for my decision to try to not eat meat, and disrespect that wish at almost every turn by only cooking meat. To see you speaking so kindly and patiently to people who are curious, and to be as outspoken about your decisions to become the “dreaded vegan(as my family calls it) it just gives me so much hope that one day I’ll be able to say, “I don’t consume animal products, because…”. Thank you for sharing your heart and treasured recipes with us🤍🤍


This is a good mindset to have. You could even have vegan days and vegetarian days marked in the week. It's not all or nothing.


I love your mindset! So many people I know are vegan and they judge people hard for not going fully vegan. There's nothing wrong with just doing your best!


Thanks for this message! Not enough people say this! You don’t have to go 100% plant based to make a difference. If you can go 100%, then great! But if you can’t, just try your best :)


honestly this is the best way I’ve ever had someone encourage me to avoid animal products. I avoid red meat and also have meatless days in general to help my gut so it’s nice to hear from someone vegan that it doesn’t have to be “black and white” as you said 😮


Thank you! I'm vegetarian--there's similar logic there, I tell my non-vegetarian friends just to eat less meat or avoid beef. I would love to go for more vegan things, though it's difficult to find a good substitute for butter or eggs in French pastries!


As a baker, I just can’t do it, I’ve tried so many vegan recipes and nothing is ever as good to me as basic cake with eggs and such.


I respect vegans but i can't live without non veg.. Fish, chicken, eggs... I love what I eat. I don't want a life without eating what makes my heart full.


1st vegan product r not available easily.. 2nd it's really costly... Being vegan or become vegan really expensive


Yeah thats actually a good approach, "if the only thing holding you back is a few things than just cut the rest" seems very logical. The only problem is when you cant let go of anything lol


I have recently been considering going vegan and this video really did help


Her: *literally says go ahead and eat that cheese and egg*
Everyone in the comments: lEt mE eAt ChEeSE aNd EgG


Yes! My husband and I are almost entirely vegan because we're both vegetarian, but he's lactose intolerant, so we rarely eat dairy. We also do eat eggs regularly. Other than that, we don't really consume animal products.
