Why You Weren't Picked For Jury Duty

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Why You Weren't Picked For Jury Duty #juryduty #lawyer #court #law #attorney
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Both times I got called, I showed up and the lawyers judges gathered everyone in courtroom and said "sorry, they decided to go with a judge trial instead"


My mother is a brain injury specialist and was called for a case about alleged shaken baby syndrome… she and the brain surgeon were immediately gone


I get picked every time, the last time I asked the attorney after the trial and he laughed and said “you are the most normal normal ever.you are a middle age woman, you look middle class, from the suburbs with a normal occupation…. There’s nothing to exclude you for.” 😂


I got called in for juror duty one time. They weren’t dismissing anyone for any reason. That missed day of work was a massive financial burden for our family, and then I heard that this case was expected to last a month. I was so stressed out that I couldn’t stop crying. I was dismissed.


I got called to jury duty and was told on the first day that it was a double murder trial and we'd be there for months. Who can just take off months of work for $20 a day?

*Thousands* of jurors were excused, and my ten-year-clock was restarted just because I went to the courthouse and answered the summons. Our legal system is broken, perhaps beyond repair.


The easiest way to get out of Jury Duty is to tell the court you REALLY REALLY WANT TO BE ON The JURY. You'll be dismissed almost immediately.


Last year a form was mailed to my husband stating that he was required to respond immediately as he had been picked for jury duty. I put the entire thing back in the envelope and mailed it back, including a copy of his death certificate from 4 months previous. Did not write a single word. Never heard back.


The first time I went for jury duty I had to spend the whole day at the court- when they selected for the first trial the woman said “if you recognize any of these names please stand up” and I recognized about 3 of them from high school, so I stood up.
Apparently she was calling names of potential jurors, not weeding out potential conflicts of interest 🤦‍♂️
Everyone was called, and I was still standing:
“What’s your name”
“*my name*”
“Did I call your name?”
“Then sit down.”
It’s not my fault I actually listened to your damn directions. Who phrases it like that anyway?? (In hindsight one of the guys looked at me real funny when I stood up at the same time as him 😂)


The one time I got a jury summons, in the selection process when they were going over the preliminary details of the case. The gist was it was a dui trial, but the statements/questions (can't remember which, it was like 13 years ago) implied the person being tried wasn't actually at the wheel.

I picked up on this immediately, and knew the prosecution was going for an angle of "Driving under the influence could be interpreted as affecting the course of the vehicle while drunk, but wasn't the driver". I didn't outright say this, but when they addressed me, they could tell I caught on to the details, without them stating the details.

Needless to say, after the recess, I was not called back for further selection narrowing.


Only time I was called it turned out that I had gone to school with both the officer and the defendant.
Small town problems.


My hub got tossed out of the pool of prospective jurors and received a reprimand for wearing a sweatshirt that said "Live Free or Die, " which is our state motto.


When you sit down and ask "Who are we lynching today?" They dismiss you REAL quick.


Reason I wasn't picked... It was DUI trial and I don't drink...They asked if anyone didn't have alcohol at home....


I've always wanted jury duty since I was a kid. It was my dream! Then at 35, I have severe PTSD from the military, my service dog is dying from cancer, my boyfriend of 5 years just died of cancer. I told my therapist that I had jury duty and when she asked how I felt, I said, "well, if I even hear they abuse animals I'm voting for the death penalty."
She wrote me a letter and explained why right now isn't the best time for it.


When I went for jury duty they showed us a video in the waiting area about the history of being on a jury and how empowering it is. They discussed the Zanger trial in NY, back when it was a Dutch colony. That involved jury nullification, and they presented that as a good thing. Then when they were instructing us and asking us questions, the judge said that even if we didn't think the defendant should be punished, as long as we believed he did it, we had to convict them. So I said, "What about that Zanger case and jury nullification like in the video?" And they shut me up and sent me home.


I am a forensic nurse examiner. THEY ALWAYS kick me off.


My favorite disqualification was that I personally knew cops. Not the ones on the case, but in their capacity outside of law enforcement. I went out of my way to point this out.

Turns out, knowing what kinds of people are actually in law enforcement is a great way to get disqualified for jury duty. lol.


My wife got rejected after they asked her what her husband does for work and the answer was an insurance adjuster.


I got picked for jury duty in a federal court case a couple years ago under my deadname with an address that was like three moves in my past they told me that they only take information once every two years so they don’t update their files within that time. I had to make a case as to why I couldn’t go to jury selection because I’m blind, can’t drive, have no transportation, and cannot afford to pay for transit+hotel because compensation for that didn’t come until after the case finished and I’m too low income to do it. The threatening aura I received from the person on the phone telling me how u could go to jail if I didn’t show up.😅 ended up being fine I just had to sign a paper saying I was disabled and had no way of getting there even though I wanted to help.

I was also told they likely would t pick me anyway because I’m legally blind and Beverly nearsighted and they had to have us look at a projector screen for the evidence. I asked if they had the handheld tablets that I’ve heard of sometimes because that would make it more accessible to me and they said no they don’t make accommodations for disabilities. So… jury of your peers my ass.


I was called once in my life and was asked whether the presence of DNA evidence would bother me (this was 2003 and involved a robbery). I rambled for a couple of minutes about how I liked watching police procedurals and about how my dad would point out inaccuracies in the military ones, he having been a military officer who had served on military juries. The prosecutor used a peremptory challenge to exclude me. In New York at the time you could challenge for cause as many times as you want but you have a limited number of preemptory challenges for the entirety of voir dire. Clearly she really didn't want me but didn't think she could convince the judge to agree.
