Trump still owes D.C. millions of dollars , when will he pay?

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Trump's current tab with the District of Columbia includes:

$7.3 million past due from his swearing-in ceremony.
$78,000 for clean-up during the government shutdown in 2018.
$1.7 million for the Salute to America Independence Day event in 2019.
“The federal government is sometimes slow, but this is worse than slow,” D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said.

She is still working to get some of the city’s money reimbursed.

“This is a debt. We’ve submitted the proof. We need to get our money back,” Norton said.

City leaders said during the Trump presidency, the federal government hasn’t been paying its share to keep the city and president safe. During this contentious election year, they’re worried about even more demonstrations to come.

For support from the city, the feds usually put money into the D.C. Emergency Fund every fiscal year. It usually adds up to $13 million. The money is used to respond to terror threats, help the Secret Service and protect demonstrators.

D.C. leaders said they’re depleting this pot of money every year because of greater expenses.



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