How to Win JACKPOTS on Slot Machines at the Game Corner (Pokemon Fire Red / Leaf Green)

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New and simple strategy for winning jackpots and unlimited coins on the slot machines at the game corner in Celedon city! Works on both Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green.

There are alot of different methods out there. Some say to look at the Clefairy, some say it's best to spam until you win, and some try to get the first two and time the last seven. This method is very simple to follow and you will get back to back jackpots after setting it up and practicing for a couple of minutes.
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Guys, I realize I should have explained it better, so here's a written explanation:

- start a metronome at 115 BPM (beats per minute)
- start the slot machine, but don't let it spin yet.
-Ready the machine so your next press will start the spin. (but don't start spinning)
-Listen to the metronome. You will now press every OTHER beat (you press on 1, 3, 1, 3, so on the first beat of the metronome starting the spin, third, the next first, and finally the third beat again. I tend to prefer pressing the first one a few miliseconds before the beat, but the other two right on the beat.
-reset the machine completely after every attempt, to get the same position every time.

Note: it won't work every time, even if you have perfect timing, because of the randomness they put into the machines, but should expect to see a win around every 5-10 tries
-Good luck!❤


RIP my brothers who ain't got rhythm


Im not joking this literally saved my nuzlocke run. I was about to go into the psychic gym and i had nothing against it but using this i got shadow ball and now my nuzlocke still stands. Thank you kind sir


Just a tip, you can listen to billy jean instead of a metronome.


Mannnn…. What a crazy trick!! no joke I was counting the metronome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 per tick… press down on 1, press a on 2, press a on 4, press a on 5…. Got it about 10 times in less then 20 min 💪🏻


115bpm 1 2 3 4 5
dpad down is on tick 1
A is on tick 2
tick 3 is nothing/wait
tick 4 is A
tick 5 is A or just wait and try to time it after you hit tick 4
this tactic was pretty consistent for me


I just did this and it worked. I struggled for a bit so here is the method I developed:

Metronome 115bpm
Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Ready the machine and hit yes on 1
While maintaining the beat you will hit down three times starting on 4. So it will go
1 - yes
2 - (the screen is loading)
3 -
4 - Down (bet 1 token)
5 - Down (bet second token)
1 - Down (bet third token, machine starts to spin)
2 - press a
3 -
4 - press a
5 - press a

Then as stated always close the session and start over again.

It took me about an hour I definitely never did 3 in a row like this guy did but it was better than grinding until level 52 to reach my flareon flamethrower!


I use the Clefairies like a metronome. I find that at the beginning of the music I get more wins by pressing A when the Clefairies were squatting down. When the melody changes, I time pressing down A when the Clefairies were standing up.


I've tried this but i keep missing the last one constantly. It their possibly something I'm doing wrong on the timing?


I was actually surprised by how well this method worked. Of course, you won't be able to hit it everytime cuz the game is hard coded not to. However, considering the attempts that allow you to do so, it is quite simple. Didn't even need to switch machines, just had to keep reentering the same one.
Good stuff!


I think that we discovered the reason of why there is a cleafairy illustrating the slot machines.


This actually works like a dream! However i found the best way is to use 115 bpm on the first two and 116bpm on the last one. Sounds like a small difference but it made a big difference on the outcome for me!


Finally addicted to gambling each day i make n bet 100k


Great video! Took some practice but worked for me at 111. Like it’s states in other comments, won’t work every time even if you are perfect but definitely works


How the hell are we even allowed in the casino ain't it a 18+ to be in there? And what would mom say "U been at casino u didnt invite me shame on you son". x3
I remember playing this at my pokemon silver and Red as a kid and I loved the colors so much and was very fun x3


Oh my gosh i used a similar "trick" (i guess?) before going to this video
I didnt have to search up the BPM though, i just tried to time it right like just counting one two three

Thank you for the help though lol


Got it to work at 55 bpm, pressing every beat for me! :)


MAN WHAT A CRAZY TRICK i just hit the jackpot 10time in a row WTF


Great tutorial I was actually so shook when it started to work. But like everyone else is saying on the third reel just make sure to wait a split second longer.


Bro just invented a new way of cheating that actually works
