KREATOR | Sami Yli-Sirniö | Frédéric Leclercq | interview

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Rozhovor se členy německé thrash metalové kapely proběhl během festivalu Masters of Rock ve Vizovicích. Pokec o vystupování, cestování, posledním albu, vývoji hudby, počtu kytar nebo oblíbených písních...
The interview with the members of the German thrash metal band took place during the Masters of Rock festival in Vizovice. Talk about performing, traveling, the latest album, the evolution of music, the number of guitars or favorite songs...
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Become a fan of our YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK site! You will receive info about conversations with bands, but you will also be able to participate in the further development of this project!
The interview with the members of the German thrash metal band took place during the Masters of Rock festival in Vizovice. Talk about performing, traveling, the latest album, the evolution of music, the number of guitars or favorite songs...
Staň se i Ty fanouškem naší YOUTUBE a FACEBOOKOVÉ stránky! Budeš dostávat info o pokecech s kapelami, ale taky se budeš moci zúčastnit SOUTĚŽÍ a dalšího vývoje tohoto projektu!
Become a fan of our YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK site! You will receive info about conversations with bands, but you will also be able to participate in the further development of this project!