Is it okay to take a pregnancy test in the evening? - Dr. Uzma Zeenath Taher
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Yes, perfectly possible. You can take a pregnancy test in the evening if it is a blood test. It will definitely show positive if it is positive if it is a urine pregnancy test, if you are in a hurry, like you want to really do it fast and you want to know whether you are pregnant. You want to do in the evening and if you are very anxious and if it is positive, then definitely it is positive. If it is positive in the evening, it is definitely positive. That is because in the diluted urine the pregnancy hormones are high, the other thing is blood test can be done in the evening and if at all possible, you should try and do the urine pregnancy in the morning. But if you want to do in the evening, no one prevent you from doing it. If it comes negative, then you try it in the morning and you can always do a blood test because the blood test becomes positive immediately even before you miss your periods, whereas a urine pregnancy test is done when you miss your periods.