Sourcing Overseas Introduction

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Greg has an idea for a great new product that he'd like to launch.

He's picturing the sales coming in and his email being flooded with orders. Buyers are crashing his servers and emptying the shelves of his distributors.

But first.... Greg needs to find a reliable manufacturer to make his invention. He's looking for a supplier that can meet his exacting quality standards, while still at a price point where he can make a good profit.

The Internet has made it much easier for business owners like Jim to connect with manufacturers and suppliers overseas.

So, Greg starts searching on popular websites to outsource the manufacturing process.

He starts contacting manufactures and quickly runs into a hornet's nest of complications.

Greg finds plenty of unreliable suppliers - some who never reply to his inquiries, and others who barely understand what he needs.

The product photos on the manufacturer's website look great, but the samples he receives look nothing like the photos!

Greg is getting frustrated and out of desperation, he finally bites the bullet and takes a trip to see the manufacturer to iron out the process in person.

And then.... just when he starts to think he'll be OK, Greg starts to see copies of the product he put his heart and soul into developing popping up for sale on websites all over the internet.

Greg realizes his manufacturer is copying his idea before he's even had a chance to bring it to market!

Don't let this happen to you.

You don't have the time and resources to deal with everything that could go wrong with your outsource manufacturing... you're too busy with all the tasks of growing and running your successful business.

Sourcing Overseas has helped 100s of businesses, just like you, to quickly and easily get started with their offshore manufacturing.

We have created a Free Guide that will teach you everything you need to know to avoid the top 5 offshore manufacturing rip-offs and get your product sourced and manufactured at high quality and for the best possible price.

Simply enter your email to the right to receive our free Guide to Offshore Manufacturing.
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Very informative video. Also, check eMEDz Connect, a software connecting wholesalers and retailers to share live inventory and manage orders online.
