Beyond Banksters: Resisting the New Feudalism

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"Joyce Nelson’s deep dive into the economics of the Bank of Canada is an eye-opening account of the privatization of Canada’s public assets and the new economic reality. Well-researched, provocative and impressive in its scope, Nelson’s research uncovers portions of the banking world the general public might not be aware of and gives alternatives to the financial world as we know it. It’s not all banking – the book delves into the impacts these policies and players have had on people and political movements like Occupy Wall Street and the Hydro One sell-off situation.” —Anna Killen, Beach Books
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Thank you Joyce Nelson for the most important book written for Canada I have read since Mel Hurtig's work. I can only urge Canadians to read it and send it to friends and colleagues, and support the Comer Lawsuit.  The book is a must read for all ages,  all Canadians so  as a musician of 35 years in many  styles, rock, blues, jazz,  country etc . I must suggest that the accompanying music to the video suggests the book should appeal to a young or  perhaps " fringe"  audience.  Too dark and not exactly inspiring.  The music sets the mood and it is not a good one to say the least and I understand the content of the book is disturbing but I am concerned people over 50 will be turned off of the clip.   Pardon the negativity but the music sets the book into the so called much maligned  "conspiracy theory territory"  videos and books of poor quality .   Let the reader make his own judgement .     I apologize for my negativity but feel it is warranted.       Hail Joyce  Nelson!    A clear, concise,  tour de force. !
   Sorry Justin Trudeau,  you are not the patriot you claim to be,  you may not even understand the consequences of your actions.    Don Walker
