Best Boots? $24 vs $275! Let's Find Out!

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Boots compared: Red Wing, Redback, Steel Blue, Carolinea, Rockport, Reebok, Herman Survivors, Larnmern, Dunlop, Black Hammer, Ad Tec, Brahma. Boots tested for dry traction, traction on oil, toe impact resistance, toe crush resistance, sole puncture resistance, leather puncture resistance, high voltage electrical hazard, and boot sole resistance to damage from hot surfaces. I bought all of the boots tested. So, thanks for supporting the channel!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Red Wing: Available at the Red Wing Online Store
Herman Survivors: Available at Walmart
Larnmern: Available at Walmart

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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC
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Here’s the list of products reviewed. More details in the video description. Thank you!
Red Wing: Available at the Red Wing Online Store
Herman Survivors: Available at Walmart
Larnmern: Available at Walmart


Quick tip; If you'll be spending a lot of time on ladders, get boots with a steel shank. They'll keep your arches from aching. Great review !


I wore the Redwing Style 2406 that you feature in this video while I worked at an aluminum extrusion plant in Corona, Ca. They saved my foot when it got caught in a hydraulic lift. The steel toe kept my toes from being crushed and helped hold the steel plate from breaking all my metatarsal’s. Overall damage was one broken metatarsal, damaged tendons, and severe bruising. Great quality boots, I’d recommend them to anyone.


This man consistently helps me decide what to buy. There’s no better proof of quality than these tests


4:52 Dry Traction (lbs)
6:24 Wet Traction (lbs)
9:13 Bottom of Boot Strength (lbs)
10:22 16-Penny Nail Pressure to Puncture Sole (lbs)
11:21 16-Penny Nail Pressure to Puncture Top of Boot (lbs)
12:21 Subjective Outer Sole Heat Exposure Rating
15:26 Maximum Weight While Maintaining 1/2 Inch Gap (lbs)
17:04 Electrical Protection (volts)
18:50 Subjective "Pointed Object" Protection
19:01 Subjective "Natural Walking Motion"
19:13 Subjective "Sole Padding"
19:19 Subjective "Overall Padding"
19:28 Overall Comfort Rating
19:35 Overall Rating


Longevity is really important when considering the cost. I used to buy ~$50 Brahma boots every 4 months or so. My first pair of redwings was around $250, and they lasted around 18 months of hard wearing in a junkyard, and still looked better than 3-4 month old Brahma boots. When you add up the price for all the cheap boots to last as long, suddenly the price of good boots looks a lot better. That plus the extra comfort of the nicer boots makes it a no brainer option for me these days.

Fantastic work as always! I'd really love to see you get your hands on some nice handmade boots like Nick's


The other day I restored my headlight housing based off your video, went with the sylvania restore kit and I know for a 100 percent fact that your test are as legit as they get. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to us viewers


My father has worn the Redwings for 50 years. He was an electrician at a Phosphate and Acid production mine for 40 years and that was the only boot he wore there. He's still wearing his last pair he bought and he's been retired for nearly 15 years. Always appreciate the effort you put into trying out and comparing the items in your projects.


I've had the same 2 pairs of Redwings for over 15 years now. I maintain them every year and they have outlasted every boot and shoe I've ever owned. You might pay more upfront, but for that kind of quality, you actually save money in the long run.


Thanks for adding the Redwings. The pair you tested are the same ones I wear welding. I usually get from 4 to 6 years out of them on concrete and sharp objects. I only had 1 pair fail when I punctured a hole through the sole. Redwing gave me a new pair, no questions asked. 10 hrs a day on my feet and still the best boots.


I built Red Wing boots for 9 years. I was a floating operator so I did all processes in 2 departments.
They are Very good boots made with care in my home Town of Red Wing MN.
The cost more but if you take care of them they will far outlast other brands. 😉👍
Great video as always.


I'm not sure what I'm more impressed by:
The fact that you make these objective comparison videos, or how you manage to make these and still read/respond to nearly every comment on every video you make.
You sir deserve a commitment award


Great test! I have been an industrial electrical contractor for over 30 years. Redwing by far have been my favorite as well as Keen. The EH (Electrical Hazard Rating) that you refer to is an ASTM standard of 600 volts or less in dry conditions. You far exceeded this test.


Excellent review as always. I'm retired now, but, I was an auto mechanic straight outta high school. I walked on average 9 miles a day according to a pedometer I hooked onto my belt for a while, and all of it was on concrete. And my feet hurt the entire time. I sure wish all of this information was available when I was just getting started. I hope you younglings understand what an invaluable guide you are receiving here. Living in pain, day in and day out for decades really sucks. Thank you, Todd.


I worked in a factory over a decade and Red Wings became my go to after having to replace cheaper boots frequently. More expensive but this is one of those "You get what you pay for" situations.


As someone who has been in the trades for around 20yrs, and wears safety boots everyday for work, this is an area I don't cheap out on. I have bought cheap boots before, and I am usually lucky if they last a year. But if I spend more, the invest pays off, and they last a lot longer. I usually spend about $250-$300 CAD on my boots, and they will last me at least 5 years of hard use. To me, they are in investment. Thanks for the informative video once again, Todd 👍


I learned about Redwing boots when I worked on the fire line for the forest service back in the mid '60s. Now I am just on my second pair. Quite economical. The Redwing store resoled my first pair several times, and I replaced the insole, but they were still good for 40 years.
The only time I wear cheap boots is when welding. Next time I need to replace those boots, I'm definitely going to look at the Black Hammer.
Thank you for all your work and creativity.


Over the past 25 years of wearing work boots every work day, I have tried well over a dozen different brands. I stopped trying different ones when I found my redwings. For me they offer the best combination of comfort, durability and longevity. They were the only brand I found that I wear for much more than a year without them blowing out, breaking down or just flat becoming miserably uncomfortable.


I've had Redwing for years. Several pairs as I walk about 20, 000 steps a day. I will continue to buy them. They stay pretty comfortable for years but of course changing the insoles regularly.


I’ve got a 30 yr old pair of Redwings. Still in good shape. Just have to keep them oiled. Quality always trumps cheap when you figure the mileage. Thanks for the review, well done.
