The Truth About Affiliate Marketing and Why You Will Fail

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I thought it was time to lay down some truths about Affiliate Marketing and explain why most people will fail. If you're thinking of starting affiliate marketing you need to watch this video.

If you follow me you will know I have been making money online from affiliate marketing for years. So I thought it was the best time to create a video where I reveal the truth about affiliate marketing and explain why a lot of people will fail. If you're wondering "is affiliate marketing a scam" then you will find out in this video. I also explained some affiliate marketing tips and tricks to help you crush it.

Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links, when you sign up using an affiliate link, I earn a small commission. This comes directly from the company and does not affect you in anyway. These affiliate links allow me to continue to post free content on YouTube.

Earnings Disclaimer: My earnings are a result of hard work and dedication, these results are not typical. You Results can be more or less. I can not guarantee anything.
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Hope you enjoy today's video. If you have any questions...comment them below (as their own comment) and I will reply. Cheers PS. Go back up and smash the like button, it really helps me out :)


I'm 19 and decided college wasn't for me, you've inspired me to finally monetize my channel and begin affiliate marketing. I don't expect big numbers right away but the limitless potential is enough to keep me going. Thanks Liam.


Hey Liam, A thousand thanks Mann!
I watched your Google Ads course today and made a sale today itself. As of now, just $1.3 spent and the got a $20 affiliate sale. I know that it's a very small payment, but it means a lot to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving the course for free. Keep creating awesome content. Lots of love.


Thank you Liam, Like the way when you stress Re-spend ur money back to your, business dont waste to impress other people. Thats show how u care about ur business and That is the great lesson for all we new YOUTUBER, All the New Youtuber like me really appricates ur opinion.Best of luck everyone.


Been affiliate marketing for 6 months now. Have made zippo. Good news is them trainers made alot of money off of me and now I’m 30 grand in debt. Oh life is awesome.


Beginning my assets for affiliate marketing starting today 🎉 2023 is gonna be the year of success.


Love this guy so much, he is so helpful and he’s taught me everything I need to know!!💕💕💕


Mate, you've got a refreshing honesty about your content. Great job


Always watch the ads as my way of saying thank you! I have been slowly trying to build affiliate marketing while also never relying on it, its all just bonus if anything come through. I am a small channel and love your content, slowly trying to build up. Thanks for tips!


affiliate marketing get confusing for a new person online. But if you promote the right opportunity and get the right training the sky is the limit.


Great Content! I always click 👍 before I watch your video 😘


What if theres a 100 clicks through your link, but the company says you've only had 2 clicks/sells


Actually this guy is making truthful encouragement, I'm one of those jump from one to another affiliate programs.

Thank you mr. Liam James Kay.


It happen to me to I use to jump from opportunity to opportunity, I failed a lot but I also learned a lot I have lots of knowledge now, I have been in affiliate marketing for over 4 years, I believe I will succeed now, I just have to gather enough money so i can have a complete marketing system, that I can build a list and make money, i was to get into email marketing, , I joined a bunch of opportunities and I failed so I will take a break until I gather enough money for my business, I know of opportunities that i want to get into, I just got to gather money


The single most valuable video so far! Thank you...
Peugeot 206, love it mate!


Hi Liam, you've inspired me, I would like to begin affiliate marketing. But i do think about two things: 1; my english skill is low. 2; I don't know which capita i should have to start to keep going. Can you say something about those please? Thank you.


I’ve just learned about this kind of marketing and I’m trying to get started and do very well. What would be your best advice?


I have not even bothered with affiliate marketing. Too much to do just to grow the channel. Perhaps someday I'll try this out. Thanks for the tips.


What exactly do you re invest your profit to? Adds?


I can totally agree with what you said, I was trapped in the sales circle for 20 years
