A-Level Further Maths E3-05 Mean Value: Problem

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A-Level Further Maths E3-05 Mean Value: Problem
A-Level Further Maths E3-01 Mean Value: Introducing the Mean Value of a Function
A-Level Maths E3-05 [Trig Graphs: Period and Amplitude]
A-Level Further Maths E3-04 Mean Value: f(x) = sin(x)
A-Level Further Maths E3-03 Mean Value: f(x) = x^3 - 3x + 2
A-Level Further Maths E3-02 Mean Value: f(x) = √x
A-Level Maths: E3-06 [Trig Graphs: Quickly Sketching y = sin(x) in degrees]
A-Level Further Maths E6-01 Further Integration: Integrating (1-x^2)^(-½)
A-Level Maths: F2-05 [Exponential Model: The Insect Problem]
A-Level Further Maths E6-05 Further Integration: Integrating (25 - 3x^2)^(-½)
A-Level Maths: E2-05 Small-Angle Approximation: Percentage Error Investigation
A-Level Maths: F7-05 [Exponential Growth & Decay: The Rabbits Problem]
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