Gayatri Mantra and the Vedas. Slavic literacy and Sanskrit. Avatars in human form

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This new video explores fascinating topics for spiritual seekers, delving into profound research and stimulating contemplation. Imram delves into the mysteries of:
• The original Aryan homelands before the Great Flood
• The life and appearance of Rama
• Why Avatars tend to manifest in India
• The diverse forms of Sanskrit
• The essence of the Hindu Trinity

He also addresses the following questions:
• What are the Slavic-Aryan Vedas? How did our ancestors practice and pray?
• What are Slavic Agmas, and how do they compare to mantras?
• How does language shape our conscious and subconscious minds?
• Which mantras possess the power of liberation?
• What was life like during the Satya Yuga?
• Mahamantra in the Vaishnava tradition
• Guidance on the proper pronunciation of the Gayatri mantra

Come join us for the premiere! Engage in live chat, ask your questions, and share your own insights.

0:00 – In this video
1:18 – What are the Slavic-Aryan Vedas? How did the people of that time practice and pray?
4:43 – What are Slavic Agmas? Can they be compared to mantras?
7:29 – How does language influence the conscious and subconscious?
8:27 – Why do followers of the Vaishnava tradition categorically reject other systems, belittle the significance of Shiva, considering Krishna the only Supreme God?
10:25 – Why do Vaishnavas consider Shiva a demigod?
14:55 – Who is Krishna? Is it possible to chant the Mahamantra? Are there Vedic scriptures that specify which mantras are liberating?
16:52 – Who are the Jewish people? A discussion on their history and self-proclaimed curse.
20:44 – How to correctly pronounce the Gayatri mantra?

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Imram is a Kriya Master, imparting knowledge of Kriya Yoga and giving personal experience of enlightenment. Reality-changing mystic, composer, musician, multi-instrumentalist.
Through years of practice-sadhana, Imram achieved Realization - unity with the Higher Self, which is regarded as Nirvikalpa Samadhi in yoga.

Master Imram presents the Kriya tradition which was given by the Himalayan Saint Babaji Nagaraj. Mahavatar Babaji initiated Imram into Kriya in 2002, and since 2003, with Sri Sathya Sai Baba's blessing, Imram has initiated several thousand people himself.

Master Imram's experience and expertise have inspired hundreds of thousands of individuals, enabling them to comprehend the purpose of life and discover joy, contentment, and peace.

Kriya Yoga is a tool that allows a person to accelerate their evolution and achieve fulfilment. It is a physical, scientific and spiritual method of developing the body, mind and consciousness.
Being the foundation of all spiritual practices, Kriya is the highest stage of Yoga. Kriya is the path of conscious action.
By practicing Kriya, you will be able to meet your Higher Self.

#mantra #vedas #sanskrit #slavicculture #kriyayoga #imramkriya
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One thing is interesting. Imram says that we are not in Kali yuga, and Sai Baba and Haidakhan Babaji, whom he mentions so much in his videos, said that we are in Kaliyuga. It would be good if he clarified things. I don't think Sai Baba would say things that are not true.


Great! Thanks! Yes all Avatars are born in India, a land of great and constantly flowing and flourishing spirituality where Hundred-thousands of sages, seers enlightened masters, divine beings, Buddhas, great saints are born in India and more and more keep coming.
These sages, saints, Buddhas, messiahas are not Avatars, they're the ones who themselves identify and worship & tell the world of who are the Avatars (Rama, Krishna two of the complete Avatars)

This is due to the sheer magnitude & volume of spirituality that still exists here (despite 1000 years of Islamic & Christian oppression, brutalities and attempted destruction of India and its spiritual culture)!

With more and more Indians adopting westernism, many Indians have also got into material pursuits and life of sensual gratification as the primary thing. Due to which spiritual culture has reduced in many places in India (especially urban centres), however, its still too rich and flows incessantly.


Here’s the thing sir. For most parts you’re right. For some you’re wrong.
Krishna or Ram are Purn avatars and not merely avatars of Vishnu. Vishnu is just an aspect of the all encompassing intelligence- the Brahm. Just as Shiva and Bramha are. Most people end up confusing Brahm for Vishnu. BTW Brahma and Bramha are different. One is supreme while the other is just an aspect of it. In the Gita, Krishna clearly shows his true form to Arjun, which is all encompassing. Please read it again for clarity. Similarly, Ram Chandra, when he interacts with munis like Bharadwaj and Atri while in Vanvas, he clearly accepts himself as the poorn Brahm.
Since they are both doing leela, in human form, they both respect everyone worthy of respect, including his gurus like vishvamitra, vashista and rishish like kunbhaj, atri, yagyavalik, bharadwaj and many more. That doesn’t mean he was inferior to them. This was just the modesty expected from a role model human. Ram worshiping lord shiva doesn’t make him inferior. As about Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh, Jagdamba they are just the manifestation of the Brahma.
Hence the Mahamantra is not just recitation of lord Vishnu. It’s the recitation of the name of the all encompassing intelligence.
Clearly, you’ve not read the shastras.
Now, you need to understand the Upasana methods. There’s is nirgun- without form and shagun- in whatever form the bhakt wants to see the brahm. Shagun Upasana is similar to freezing the formless water into a shape. Water and ice are essentially same.
So if somebody calls for brahm in form of Shiva, beleiving that shiva is the param brahm, the intelligence takes that form for the devotee. And the form is not restricted. If one can devote oneself truly and believe that you as in you, are actually brahm, the brahm will manifest itself as you for the person, even if (just for the sake of example) you might be the worst person in the universe. Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas clearly explains this phenomenon.
Hari is not Vishnu again, by the way.
As about Saibaba, most sanatan dharmavlambi reject him. His documented history doesn’t record him as a good human being, let alone a saint. This doesn’t mean one cannot believe Sai baba to be the form of some great entity. If one actually does, and puts faith in him, Sai baba would actually grant him everything he needs/wants, including knowledge, wisdom, happiness, guidance. प्रधानता तत्व की है।
Anybody believing Shiva to the supreme entity or Vishu to be it or Durga to be it or Jesus to be it, will all eventually end up at the same destination, that is moksha. Might not be this life. But the collected efforts of multiple lives.
Edit: Forgot to tell that the mahamantra was not given by Srila Prabhupad. The mantra had existed way long before him. Chaitanya mahaprabhu used to sing the same mantra as well. Prabhupad merely popularised it in the west. Disseminating of misinformation is dangerous. Watch out.


He is wrong. Not all avatars are born in India
