Sega Model 3 Emulator Pre Configured with LaunchBox | Supermodel Setup Guide Tutorial | No UI Needed

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0:00 - Intro

1:58 - Download Supermodel
2:10 - UI Advice
2:35 - ROMs Advice
3:00 - Download Pre Configuration Files
4:24 - Place Pre Config Files In Correct Locations
5:07 - Place UI Files In Correct Locations (If Using)
5:36 - ROMs Location

6:59 - LaunchBox Setup - Set ROM's Path
7:58 - LaunchBox Setup - Emulator Setup
9:15 - LaunchBox Platform XML Tour/Explanation
10:35 - LaunchBox Setup - Button Layout Images Best Location
11:17 - Launchbox Setup - Cheats & Documentation in Descriptions

11:41 - Play/Test Some Games

12:01 - Settings
12:27 - Settings Resolution
12:58 - Settings Widescreen Hack
13:44 - Settings Crosshairs

14:05 - Using Supersample Anti Aliasing
15:49 - Getting Extra Performance

16:12 - Fix Supermodel Running Fast
18:38 - Fix Supermodel Zoomed In

19:34 - Light Gun Users Advice
20:49 - What's Going On With the Racing Games?
22:14 - Racing Games Multiplayer Advice
22:40 - Ski Champ View Change
23:01 - Star Wars Lightsaber Battles Controls ---THIS IS NOW FIXED
23:36 - Does This Work With ....?

23:59 - Outro

A MASSIVE amount of time has gone into this project.

When I say EVERYTHING Pre Configured, I mean it.

IMPORTANT: I am not working for the Supermodel Team. This is in no way official. It's just me, admiring Ian and the teams amazing hard work. Presenting it in a way that is usable for PC, Controller and Mouse with minimal effort. A lot of people are turned away from this emulator because of the setup. Thinking it's broken or too much hard work. I want to change that and make things easy so people realise just how good Supermodel is.

If you have been following along with my stuff then you know I have been on a Supermodel binge. I love this emulator.....but it is a pain to setup.
This is more due to the nature of how the hardware worked not the emulator itself. Supermodel can be implemented into original hardware, arcade authentic setups as well as racing wheel setups, network multiplayer with multiple screens etc.
Because of these factors Supermodel isn't pre setup for any specific use case, it's up to you to configure it for your specific use case.

This is where this video comes in..........

Fixes Include:
Daytona USA 2, Scud Race - Network Board Not Present
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade - Setup Feedback Lever
LA Machine Guns - Crosshairs Not Moving
Analogue Input / Twitchy Steering
Twitchy Steering in ALL Racers
Japanese Games in English
Pre Configured Controls
Light Gun Games Calibrated
Plus much more.....
Рекомендации по теме

I am eternally grateful for your guides and setup pre-configurations.


You're the king WP. I cant even get PCE working on my own and here you are knocking it out of the park with complex emu's. Love your work man, thank you so much.


Awesome as always friend!! One of the best retro channels out there!!


This is an amazing work! You have no idea how much this was helpful my friend! Kudos!


I have been using emulation for so many years. but your configs make it so easy. Thank you, so much.


This is great thanks! You're always improving our emulation experience. For me I use widescreen, turn off the second crosshair and controller vibration and it's great. At 1080p I do get a little slowdown on ECA but that seems to be the only game I do. Switching it to 900p fixes that but it breaks the crosshair on Lost World, So I'll stick at 1080p. I never have a clue when it comes to updated rom sets etc so I may be out of date there.


thanks very much for all your hard work very much appreciated.


Looking forward to the next Supermodel configs! 😂 Seriously, thanks so much for all of your work on this, I am really enjoying these games thanks to your configs.


Coming back to this one Monday on my day off. I've been wanting to get arcade gaming going to compliment my big collection of console games!


Mammoth effort big respect looking forward to trying this out.


made a comment ages ago about the controls not working for star wars trilogy and now you have fixed them and i managed to play the game right till the but my joystick would not work on the bonus stages but regardless of that job well and truly have not posted for a while but i hope this means you will be posting some more more great guides any updates for duckstation or pcsx 2 coming.also i noticed you have never posted anything on rpcs3 or vita 3 k which are both great emulators.anyway fantastic job and keep up the excellent work.


So awesome. Thank you warped polygon!


Had issues with x axis using my retro Shooter but actually sorted itself out, must have been another controller or something, who knows, but thank you for this! My cross hair is off calibration but its still brilliant! Cheers 😊


I'm impressed with your projects, and I have a quick question:

Have you managed to get around to doing a pre configuration pack for Namco System 256 through the emulator "Play!"?


so, i followed this to the T even got non merged but for some reason my xinput will not register? Any advice? am using the supermodel exe but no matter what my controller will not register. But will for other games that work with xinput.


Its amazing how good Model 3 games are emulated. I love playing Spike Out


Thanks alot I appreciate it mate it works perfectly for me now 👍


Got a Horri steering wheel (PS4/PS3/PC) version. works on PC, does this work with the super model 3 emulator? I tried, doesn't seem


When i try starting a game, it terminates immediately and nothing happens. I load up the textfile that supermodel creates and at the bottom, it says" [Error] Unable to create OpenGL context: Could not create GL context. " I tried updating my display drivers, but according to Windows, i already have the best drivers for that device. Not sure what to do next. Is there a setting i could try and change, or should i try and install an older version of Supermodel? Im using onboard video Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200.


Thanks for all your hard work! By the way, you shoul revisit the Naomi systems as there are calibration fixes for reloading in Lupin the Shooting and Death Crimson OX floating about, and also, the English version of Initial D 2 on Naomi 2 seems to be working fine on RA now, just a heads up!
