Terraria Master Mode SUCKS

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Terraria gives COMPLETE freedom to any and all players. Those who want to chill back can choose to play Journey Mode, those who wish resistance may choose Classic, or for a challenge - Expert Mode. MASOCHISTS, however, choose to play the DREADED "Master" Mode... Enjoy! :)

#Terraria #MasterMode #NotSoGreat #TerrariaUpdate #JourneysEnd
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Would YOU agree with a Master Mode rework? What changes would YOU bring to it? I'm genuinely interested in what you think! I hope you enjoyed the video even though it is a bit heavier with "animations" (has less in-game footage) than usual! Thank you A TON for watching, and as always - stay awesome! :)


Couldn't agree more. I do feel like MM is just EM but with greater scaling. No new mechanics or anything interesting at all. I still enjoy playing MM, but I wish there was more.


The extra accessory slot is something I can no longer live without, so seeing a change in master mode would be nice than only an extra slot being a bonus


Personally I would find it cool if master mode tweaked some lacking boss ai such as king slime, making it have something like a slam that would fall over where you were moving, and another thing I would find cool is if every boss had a type of attack that they used when their hp reached zero, such as king slime could shoot out slime into the air raining a barrage of slime that explodes on impact into more slime, or another example, Duke fishron could start shooting out a ton of razorblade typhoons and then spin around the player, and use a dash before disappearing and reappearing behind the player to repeat the process around 3 times before dying, not to mention possible accessories, or heck maybe even weapons, but probably accessories, like, Duke fishron could drop one that constantly fires razorblade typhoons that spawn sharknados


I mean at least for the worthy exists, or if that’s easy for you, modded modes like eternity mode also exists. But yeah, I think Master Mode is disappointing with its content


I was really hoping Master mode would be more


To add to the "Master mode bad" debacle, the damage scaling is so abnoxious that it (almost) completely makes Death mode from Calamity feel more comfortable, that's saying something considering the fact that Death mode is 2 difficulties up after Expert mode, Revengeance mode is the 1 mode after EM.

For context, I tested Hardmode mob damage in death mode, a Flying tortoise hit me with around 130 damage using Palladium Armor with no warding and damage negating accessories and potions. Meanwhile in Master mode a Flying tortoise hit me with Frost Armor and full Warding accessories and with an Endurance potion, and the damage I received was around 290...



True, if they would just make it a bit more rewarding and add more boss changes (a good example would be e-mode from Fargo's mod). Obviously not that kind of ridiculous difficulty, but something along the lines of the original master mode.


Exclusive Boss Weapons are one great way to make Master Mode more enjoyable and changing most of the valuables of the pillar enemies can relieve the stress and amount of time needed to get to Moon Lord


Yeah i gave up on master mode when i entered hardmode cause the mech bosses were doing too much damage and it is hard to doge cause i play the mobile edition and also the damage was inconsistent but that does not mean i hate it just makes it more frustrating.


I only wish they would change the spawnrate of enemies during mastermode bossfights.
Recently I was fighting the twins, flew up to dodge an attack, dropped down to the arena only to find 3 zombies and a possessed armour waiting for me at the platform DURING A BOSSFIGHT.
Needless to say, I ran directly into them and died.
Mastermode feels like a slog sometimes.


Heres a few things I would want from a Master Mode rework:
- Different world generation (eg more deadly traps, more extreme biome generation ect)
- A change to Boss AI eg faster/different attack patterns when their health is low (like Duke Fishron in Expert Mode)
- A degree of randomness, for instance buffed mobs and weird events (Eg Fire Hail descends from the heavens!)
- More realism/ new mechanics (such as mobs picking up dropped weapons, dizziness from fall damage, wood burns in contact with lava)
- Small quests/objectives to make events more engaging rather quickly than just another reason for farming.

Master mode needs revamping - its just expert mode but everything does more damage


Calamity's Revengence Mode is what Master Mode could have been.


I would love a master mode rework. I always play it because I feel like the game is to easy. Classic mode makes everything a cake walk. Expert mode adds cool new items and ai to the bosses but it still feels easy (I’m not saying everything needs to be hard, I have a ton of hours in this game and love hard games). Instead of adding extra challenge to the game, all master mode did was artificially make the game harder by making everything just deal more damage. As an example of a change they could make for the eye of Cthulhu could be as simple as he keeps spawning the servants or at around 10% health he could do what duke fishron’s final phase is but slower and only dash once.


Aaaand they instead multiplied the issue with the tedious slog of a difficulty known as getfixedboi. I'm almost convinced that the guy who conceptualized Expert Mode left before 1.4.


I agree. Master mode was alright for me but to be honest I never truly finished it and skipped to FTW.
I'm not sure what new AI could be done but then again, that *is* FTW and there are probably other areas to up the scale.
Take FTW and bring it into master mode?


I would much rather they change the AI of the bosses to give them new behaviors and moves rather than just tack on buffs, spam pre-existing attacks, and crank up the projectiles to 11.

Eternity mode is great with this, what with the skeletrons doing death wheels with their arms and the worms doing badass snake-coiling moves.

As for having more rewards for master mode bosses, I only partially agree. More is better, but what we have right now isnt too bad either in my opinion. Pet versions of all the bosses is something I always wanted, and 7 accessory slots is pretty rad.

Only time will tell how it will change in future updates, but I'm sure master mode is gonna be something great.


They should do something similar to revengence in calamity instead of straight up damage and health buffs.


I've been doing a Master Mode playthrough currently after having done an Expert Mode playthrough of all 4 classes and I gotta say I am truly enjoying myself. The early game is just as daunting as it has always been and while my knowledge of the game has taken my forward quickly the narrow victory I had against Eye of Cthulu first try was exhilarating and I can only see the stakes getting higher and more exciting from here. Terraria Master Mode is well, for when you've mastered the game and just need to push yourself further. Progression in Terraria exists outside of just characters and worlds it is in you as well in your knowledge and skill st the game.


I really think that Master Mode could have the same difficulty and changes that seed For The Worthy has, from my perspective it would have the same feeling as when Expert Mode was added
