Adoptive parents share son's journey with birth mother

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When Schauna Austin was 20 years old and single, she gave birth to a baby boy. But the family that would adopt her son wanted to involve her in every major step of his life. Steve Hartman shares more in "On the Road."

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Not every adoptive parent would do that. They're very special people


Speaks volumes of his adoptive parents and also the love of his natural mother to make the hardest decision on earth.


Steven's adoptive parents are WONDERFUL! They weren't selfish, and did what was best for STEVEN, His dad said it more love a child has, the better. His bio mom lucked out with this special couple as well, especially when they sent her the books each year! This story was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! ❤


" you can't have to many people love you" what a powerful statement and very true.


The adopted parents are angels God blessed them.
And the mother was blessed beyond measure


Thank you for including the birth mom in the raising of your son. I’m adopted and it was a closed one. the struggle of not knowing your birth parents is real. I just spent my first Christmas in 56 years with my Ukrainian birth family. Full circle family is love. Oh what a ride! ❤


The adoptive couple are very exceptional. The world needs a lot more of them.


That is one beautiful story.
Such a supportive, inclusive, and loving group of people.
An exceptional example of how we all should treat each other.


I was brutally raped by a man where I worked. I refused to go out with him because of religious differences. I got pregnant from that encounter, I was 21. I chose adoption over abortion. It was the hardest thing I've ever done but I knew I was giving him a much better life. He's 44 yrs. old, I've never had contact with him but I think of and pray for him often. I hope he knows I loved him enough to give him up.


Everyone on the planet needs to watch Steve Hartman. Preferably daily, but at least once a week!


Wow. Just wow. Amazing people. Amazing love. Everyone put the kid first. Awesome. I love this story!


This is a miracle come true, the biological mother, along with the adoptive parents were all a blessing.


What a difference when we genuinely open our hearts to the possibilities of love. What a risk being vulnerable but what a reward if we dare. Merry Christmas Riley🌲


Tears are flowing right now with joy! The adopted parents will never know what they did for this woman allowing her to be a part of their family and her/their son! This quite possibly could’ve changed her life on the positive direction She’s living today! Thank you to these wonderful people speaks volumes about who you are❤❤❤❤


This is such a Beautiful story. Mom said she couldn't take care of her son, gave him up for adoption. God said you can, and made (Riley Steven) a part of your life that you thought you lost. ....God is able to do the IMPOSSIBLE.🙏🙏🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽...6/12/24


This is a very touching and heartwarming story. The world needs more loving and caring people like this.


Wow! The adoptive parents are a great example of how it could be. Wonderful story. Kudos to all.


What a beautiful story! What wonderful adoptive parents to have such an open mind and an open heart! I am an adopted child who was born in the '60s when everything was a secret. I have since become very good friends with my birth mother from the age of 21. I am now 60. My daughter at 15 had an unplanned pregnancy and gave up her son for adoption, so I have been on both sides of the fence for this life experience. Her's is and open adoption to and much like this adoptive couple, the parents of my daughter's son are remarkable people who include my daughter in many aspects of her son's life. I see the benefits of this version of adoption versus my experience growing up. Though my adoptive parents were always open about the fact that myself and my brother and sister were all adopted and we were wanted and very special children to them, that little aspect of not knowing so much about who we were was always in the background. Hats off to these amazing people! What a beautiful story!


Such good wonderful people. And Steven is one lucky kid. So much love.
