How Puerto Rico Turned Me Communist

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You're incredibly compassionate, very brave, and actually do things to help others. We need more people like you


The point at the very end of the video is so true. Workers' revolutions are meant to channel the anger, pain and misery inflicted right back at the exploiters.


Genuinely tho. Puerto rico should either be independent or be granted full statehood. This ambiguous place they’re in has hampered their ability to self govern and subjected them to some really stupid laws that barely affect the 48 + 2.


Eddie you have a big heart, thank you for being who you are.


Wow I must say, Puerto Rico is most likely what radicalized me at a young age as well. I didn’t get to help the people there myself unfortunately, just went on a vacation when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I knew nothing about the territory going in, and seeing shantytown shacks held together with planks and sheet metal, kids wandering around the desolate areas looking for scraps. We got to our hotel, and I was in disbelief even as a child. I was fully under the impression that America always takes care of its people, but these people looked enslaved and malnourished even to my little brain. But the hotel was super luxury, gated and secure with guard towers and walled off, cameras everywhere and staff to escort you through to the gated area. We went out to the beach after unpacking, which was large enough for everyone there, but I noticed was totally walled off from the entirety of the rest of beach. At a certain angle, I could see the more public beach was trashed and destroyed. There was a sign on the wall, telling locals to not try to go around it illegally, with a security boat and officers watching that wall diligently for anyone trying to slip in. I asked my family something like “what about the people outside, what is going on here?” And their reply was like “this is just how some people live and they have their own life, you have yours.” I’ll never forget that day. A piece of humanity left me, along with the respect for anyone I knew that didn’t care. From then on I was always trying to find out why these things happen and nobody does anything despite how “humanitarian” we claim to be. Way later in life after being somewhat a socdem, i realized Marxism and what it is, was kept hidden by media and academia in western countries. Once I actually researched and learned, i realized Marxism and communists are the only real solution for fixing this worldwide issue. From there I was latched.


Me and some pals got together and started a free education program for formerly incarcerated, formerly addicted, formerly homeless men. We all worked and some of us had an hour commute to the place. But I'll remember that even after working an 8 hour shift, it was energizing to teach, to listen, and to be in a communal space with those guys.

There's no feeling like helping the people in your community 🙏🏼♥️


Damn...that means a lot!
Love from PR 🇵🇷


Libertad a Puerto Rico del imperialismo Yanqui


Who else shifted far left because of the proxy war? I’ll admit before the SMO I still had quite a few lib views but the proxy war changed everything
I also remember a few years ago I watched oliver stones “the untold history of the united states” that was what planted the seed for me to have staunchly anti war and anti interventionist views


And now the videos and content you make are increasing collective consciousness and radicalizing people (like me) for the good of humanity. Thanks for your service big guy 🫡🫡


Great! Usually when people like capitalism I tell them, just go to Mexico, India... or even the USA, considering you are not used to the homelessness in your own country


A very inspiring story and I agree with your statement at the end

For me, I was 15; I was in my US Government class learning about anti-trust laws when, coincidentally, reports of Disney buying out 21st Century Fox were popping up, and I was like, "no way this can go through, " but days later, it was approved, and I was like WTF?

That is what began my radicalization to the left, from a hard right person who would have otherwise supported Trump wholeheartedly, to my communist self now


I learned about the 1953 coup in Iran through—of all places—a history podcast by NPR lol. That’s when the radicalization process sped up for me.


Free Puerto Rico, Free Palestine <3


There are some Puerto Rico that would support that guy, I joke you not, some of them acts like Cuban plantation owner.


Seeing how much the family that owned the small business I worked for had compared to my squalor, then having a child, and seeing how they did nothing and always had a severe tan gotten in tropical places informed me as to why capitalism needs to be ended at all costs. Having a child and thinking of their future was by far the most radicalizing event in my life


I've been following you for a while and had no idea you had this experience. As a Puerto Rican, H.Maria was a turning point for many, but just as worse was the Federally installed Junta that forcibly installed austerity to pay Wall St thugs while being a colony with no tools for battling this legal imposition. Still, you hold all my respect man.
Viva Puerto Rico libre! Viva Puerto Rico socialists!


Ur still a king, watched u for years now


for me i was always poor. i saw my parents work so hard everyday just so they could feed me, often going without food themselves. because of this i never believed that our current system was a meritocracy, cuz nobody was working harder than my parents, i also never bought into the ideas that homeless people are evil drug addicts so to me it was just innocent people starving because of a few greedy people


For me ironically it was animal farm in which made me communist for the fact it was telling stories of want communism became and not what it was meant to be.
