I figured out the LAW OF VIBRATION. Here's what to do...

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This video is about how your thoughts work and how to apply the law of vibration correctly. to get what you really want.

✅SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO PROGRAMS: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
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Music: Epidemic Sound / Audiojungle / Envato Elements
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You are not reading this by accident. If you're reading this, EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. Good energy is being sent to you from all over the universe. Be thankful and pay it forward. Many blessings!🙏🙏🙏


Affirmations don't work for many people because they feel the distance from where they are is too far from where they want to be. If you phrase an affirmation in an energy of gratitude as if it has already happened, this carries you across the distance much quicker. I won a court case in this way. In my mind, I was so grateful for being heard and happy that I had won, and it was like I knew what winning felt like and I was just waiting for reality to catch up with what I knew (if you see what I mean). This can work with anything.


As you watch this, remember that you are cherished and valued. May your life be filled with synchronicities and boundless success. 🌠 You've got this!


0:58 Matching the frequency of desires based on thought/frequency
1:26 Positive thought is a higher frequency than negative
2:27 Explanation of how thought actually works
4:31 As above, as below (The law of correspondence)
4:56 To Understand this law deeply, represent of Microcosm and Macrocosm(universal aspect)
5:47 Inner reality

6:10 Esoteric system, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Astrology
6:39 How does this work with manifesting desires based on :
-vibrational alignment
- Imagination & emotion,
- Thought energy
- consistency and belief
- Affirmation and action
- Mind-body connection


this is very amazing I have been focusing on changing my mindset and my vibration and all of a sudden videos about this are now showing up in my sub box like I am in sync with what I want what I am seeking is seeking me


If anyone has ever read Nevill Goddard's books, you will exactly know what the narrator is talking about exactly in this video. And trust me, he is 100% right, I used the law of assumption and vibration to change my job and now I am practicing it to achieve my personal goals as well. It just feels different and incredible. If anyone needs help let me know, I can tell you what actually helped me getting started!


I LOVE THIS NAILED IT. My current situation, my new apartment coming up and my family reuniting is all part of my visions and dreams.


Also when you reach the feeling of satisfaction in whichever technique you choose then you know your desire is done and detach from outcome, at this point you are in the wish fulfilled, so it manifests


Very well defined how our thoughts emit vibrational frequencies that shape our reality so the power of aligning positive thoughts and emotions with our goals, ultimately leading to personal transformation and a harmonious life.Thanks for sharing



i was in a full church and you can literally feel the "affirmation" (some presence) when everyone prayed together. there is "something" in that vibrational frequency.


I 100% feel like my mini stroke was brough on by my depression and not my above average cholesterol. The neurologist said my cholesterol needs to be monitored, but it wasnt too alarming. I lost my job and my relationship was going very badly. I just wasnt where i wanted to be. Ive since left her, and im trying to recover in my parents house, trying to be positive in all aspects of my life.


That's why its important to be selective of the music you listen. Although it is not practical that one can tune out every sound/vibration within society that may have a direct or indirect impact on us.

Unless of course we walk around with headsets playing music or sounds that we desire to ensure that our vibration never lowers.

If not as soon as we are in the confines of our own personal space we could counteract any negative influences from the outer world by immediately listening to sounds, music or motivational content that would alter our frequency


Basis thoughts are fundamental. They are eternal. What we generally call thoughts are actually reflection on thoughts. Reflection on thoughts is 'thinking'.


Proverbs 4:23 "Your Thoughts Shape The Outcome Of Your Life."


This is an awesome video. But the one thing that people don’t realize, is themselves first. You need to first understand, you exist, and if you don’t recognize the love that you want to give out/to others comes from within. So you need to learn to love yourself, before you can even start to know how to put your love out. So step 7, should be step 1.


Why don't we all pray together, vibrate together to stop the violence that world is witnessing.
Let's resonate for peace and love all over the world.
Sorry, I am disturbed after the kids life that had to be paid as price in the name of war.


Thank you for this, I've been telling them this for a quarter of a century. Maybe this will get them to finally do something to become a higher version of themselves. 🤗


00:02 Thoughts are frequencies that alter the future reality
01:16 Our thoughts carry unique frequencies that influence our experiences.
02:31 Understanding vibration through clad plates and resonance experiments
03:46 The law of Correspondence explains the interconnectedness between thoughts and reality.
05:04 The law of correspondence states that patterns and qualities in the microcosm are mirrored in the macrocosm.
06:22 Understanding the synergy of vibration and visualization to shape reality.
07:46 Visualization and belief are key to manifesting goals.
09:10 Mind Body Connection and Self-realization


Excellent! Thank you Be Inspired for putting this presentation together in a way that is easily understood. Working with clients who do not know these teachings and are starting to become aware or breaking out of the matrix like to see proof of what I teach. This video will be a part of my toolbox to send to them!
MUCH appreciation for your work to help me within my practice!


Best I've seen yet. Great explanation from video inserts to body language. Watch it till you get it.
