Developing Your Million Dollar Coin Grading Eye! REPETITION! (CAC Submission Coin Breakdown)

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In this episode, we speak about why submitting coins to CAC / Coin grading companies is so essential for your long term understanding of the coin market. The real key in being able to acquire and sell coins successfully starts with how trained your numismatic eye is. Thousands of people can walk through a show, but very few can really make it worth while due to their experience and understanding of the market place.

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(IG): @AcoushaCollectibles
(FB): Drew Haddock
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Автор hit it right on the $$$. I agree with you 100% A shame there were no A coins in this submission. Seeing an A coin really gets your eye trained up! Great informative video. Thanks!


Really enjoyed the video and format.

I think that last one (the 83-CC) was the only one I maybe disagree with, could go either way on that one.

Keep up the great work


Your videos are incredibly helpful. I worked my club's coin show this weekend and felt way more confident than I ever have. I bought a raw coin that I think I got for a bargain, thinking about getting it graded.


Great vid. It will be fun to see the return from CAC!


You're right on the $! Great presentation again and I think the 1882 s ms66 was AWESOME but yes the reverse was dry. Can't wait to see the results. Stay safe sir and blessings to you whole family!


Great preview on the CAC submission Drew. Really enjoy hearing your thoughts on how they’ll do.


hey guys great video always love seeing new toners. i think everything but the drape bust maybe the texas commervtive are great for cac and all worth a shot. At 17:25 the 1886 morgan i think that toneing pattern is posable from 2 things 1 it could have been in an old not air tight holder and air was getting in threw that side. (i have an ike dollar brown ike with a cracked case and a 61 franklin proof in a whitman holder that both toned like that.) OR 2nd the full coin was toned and someone wiped dip across the coin and left that little bit.(i dont think its this one im just saying its posable)


I pretty much agreed with your choices, except the 1886S Morgan, I thought it was a “B’ because of the obverse toning. I think it would have a better chance if it was graded MS65. I have problems with ‘CC’ coins as it was so much easier for them to get bag marks, and rubbings. I thought the grading company’s took that into consideration when they grading them.


I like how you go through and do ABC on the coins. I’d like to see you pick out a coin as your Lock so to speak as the one you think will for sure Cac. My Lock would be the 84cc ms65 in the OGH
Overall I thought you were a little harsh on the Philly mint coins. Those so often come with weak luster that I don’t think it will hurt them quite as much as you
Anyways great video I really enjoyed it!


On the coin, 1886 ms64 morgan $1, the crescent color might be from a loosened plastic album cover. Most people do not realize that their post 2005 new home or home remodeling project may have utilized Chinese made dry wall containing high levels of hydrogen sulfide. This has caused copper pipes and wiring to corrode, and has affected jewelry, silverware, and copper and silver coins to cause them to tarnish and tone rapidly.

CAC faq states that once a grade is established, cac divides those coins at that grade as a, b, c. I think you have an excellent eye, Drew. It's frustrating that c coins might be submitted many times by subsequent owners never realizing they have been rejected before.

I've only recently begun to understand the difference between "luster" and " shiny". I hope in a future video you might be able to discuss this further.

Great video as always!


Always learn a lot, thank you. I like your dog 👍


Luster can't be suppressed, which means to be stopped or kept from carrying on normal activity, kept in or repressed, stopped or arrested, vanquished, quelled, etc. Luster is present or it is worn away.


Stop sending so many coins to CAC!
Your slowing down the return service. 👍
