Class 43: The Causal Path

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Causal models are rare: nearly every model is correlational. All scientists forget that correlation does not imply causation when it is their correlation. Any change to a model creates a new model.

Jaynes's book:

Uncertainty & Probability Theory: The Logic of Science

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Im interested in the "philosophy behind stuff", and just from the few mins ive seen from u sir, i dont care whatever else background yr coming from ... This is Gold ..
Thank you sir


Is the model the set of all premises? Or the whole argument (if this then that)?

Isn't a statistical model the set of valuations of probability for each possible atomic event taken as the conclusion given the premises (model assumptions)?


How do we think about this when Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem says some mathematical axioms must be true but can't be proven? If math itself must be taken on faith, than how can any causal model be true?
