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Dr Cywes shares his personal strategies based on the best available science of what you can do to reduce your risk of brain deterioration. This video has value for everyone from rookies to carnivore veterans. These insights are not beliefs or conjecture. They reflect real data from an extremely busy clinical practice dealing with metabolic health transition. Know the scientific truth about how your body works. Ask and answer the right questions to optimize your health! Whether you agree or disagree with our content, if we’ve made you think and ask questions, we’ve done our job. Leave comments below.

Research Discussed... This is Dr Cywes’s personal protocol based upon my personal research into best practices – this is what I do. You cannot find this stuff in the literature yet.


We try to keep this content free as a service to you. If our content resonates and you can afford a buck or more:

ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD and SHERYL FOX RD ARE clinically PRACTITIONERS in Florida and COVER THE ENTIRE USA AND WORLD VIA TELEHEALTH. The mission of our media content is educating the public about a CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION approach to treating obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Understanding the importance of replacing carbs in your diet with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a more effective diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using obesity surgery and devices as tools along the way, and helping people who have had bariatric surgery stay healthy and not relapse

Set up a consultation if you are looking for more sustainable ways to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cholesterol issues and thyroid disease. Even if you are doing great but need physician confirmation or if you are considering or struggling after Bariatric Surgery we can assist you getting back on track. TEXT, WHATSAPP or CALL to leave a message on our “batphone” +1 5615170642 from anywhere in the world. We do secure telehealth, Zoom and Whatsapp phone and video consults all over the world.
If appropriate we can order bloodwork and Coronary Artery Calcium Scores as part of a consultation.
Please always feel free to record your consult but inform Dr Cywes and Sheryl.

**DISCLAIMER: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. This site and these videos exist to provide information and support about nutritional health and do not provide medical advice and should not be thought to provide medical advice. We can only give medical advice if you establish yourself as a registered patient and consult with us in our medical practice - JSAPA. We always recommend working with a team of knowledgeable and experienced practitioners, including a physician such as Dr Cywes and a Registered Dietician such as Sheryl Fox in our practice. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition. -------- #dementia #Alzheimer’s #brain #ApoE4 #mentalhealth #ketones #DHA #fishoil #inflammation
Although all measures are taken to ensure that the content of the YouTube channel is accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is’. We make no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel. Robert Cywes and his team may at any time and at their sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Robert Cywes shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content.
Рекомендации по теме

Age 87, female. 16:8 IF.
5'7". 121 lbs.
I live in a foreign country where there are many ex-pat retirees. During more than two decades, I've only heard of two cases of dementia. Everyone walks this hilly city, often multiple times a day. No one eats the fast food, which is now available on every corner. We're lean and mean. Don't know what else to tell you. I'm watching this experimental group, which includes myself.


My mother and grandfather both died with dementia. When my granddaughter was put on a keto diet I learned the benefits and promptly went keto myself. Hubby is diabetic. Son epileptic. Boy do we miss our carbs, but we like our brains more. Much fellow feeling for you


I am ApoE3/E4. Counting on being fat adapted producing ketones for the last 25 years and into my future to help me. I think this is at least 80% of the solution.
So far so good. Developing software for the Space Station at 65.


I have started on getting fit (a run 3x a week, yoga every day, occasionally push-ups and pull-ups) and will do more. At the very least, I will look into getting more fish meat in my diet. I'm on keto already, 18 hours of intermittent fasting. Thank you, doctor.


So sorry to hear about your mother. My wife’s mother died from dementia and of course she is concern as I am. She is 70 and we have been ketovore/carnivore for three years now and have turned our health around. We love you and your channel. ❤️


I started to eat sardines every other morning for breakfast along with my ketogenic lifestyle . That explains why I am much more alert and able to Remember things easier. I was diagnosed with P COS At the age of 16 I am now 58... It's never too late To start doing the right thing


I feel ya, Doc. My Mom died with dementia/alz. I have the APOE4, inherited it from both parents. Which is strange because my parents were genetically diverse, French/English and Greek/Romanian. I know how hard it is when a parent has this, prayers for you, your Mom and family. It's really tough.


My 90 year old mother died a month ago due to complications from dementia, seizures and stroke. She really did decline when statin drugs were enforced by her caregivers. I won’t get the test for the genes but I do not want to go the way she did. It was absolutely heartbreaking! I had PCOS and insulin resistance / hypoglycemia from a young age, now eating higher fat carnivore / ketovore and very healthy and active. Thank you for the helpful advice, Dr. Cywes! It gives me hope.


So blessed to keep her in her home with empathetic carers. A HUG for you Dr.C. This is so heartbreaking. Been there. Remember for her. ❤


I have been enjoying your podcasts on youtube, I am 80 every once and a while I forget something and it scares me, I was on a ketogenic diet and lost about 30 lbs, I am not sure how tall I am anymore but I used to be 5' 10" and I weigh about 165 so I feel pretty good, I play guitar and some of us seniors have a little group and one of the ladies in this group is 83, and a few months ago they decided she needed statins, after taking on she woke up the next morning and had no idea who she was or where she was, they took her off but it took a few days to get her mind back, I would never touch those damn things and I am going back on my keto diet again


Great info. I think my wife is at higher risk for dementia than I am, but we will both be doing these things to lower our risk! We are retired physicians and have both just stopped our statins. We have been keto over two years and will not give it up.


One of the best and most important videos you've ever made.


My heart goes out to you! My mother suffered from dementia. It’s a very emotional journey.. Thank you for keeping it real. - Lora ( We met atHard to Kill Summit 2022)


Saw with my own eyes improvement in dementia patient when taken off statin.


Ohmigosh... I am a caregiver for a 90yr old with stroke onset dementia. She affectionately calls me "Maryann" (she worked with a Maryann 45 yrs ago). and tells me, we are Pals. 💗 When I leave the house, I tell her, No monkey business while I'm away". Her response is always, " Oh No, Maryann . Not without you" ! 🤣


I was on statins the last five years. Recommended by the Veterans Administration.

I couldn't take them anymore. I had brain fog, insomnia, and muscle twitching.

Been off for two weeks, finally was able to dream again. No dreams in five years.


You just described my mother. Strong, independent then dementia set in. She did not know me her last few years. Thank god she still trusted me(except a few times) as I was her full time caregiver. She lived with me her fast 6 + yrs.


Thank you so much for this. My grandmother died with dementia. My mom is 78 now and is well along. I'm not retired yet, still working long hours. My mom still lives on her own on a 90 acre farm an hour from anywhere and gets like a child if I try to get her to move. We're relying on the kindness of neighbours right now. I've never wished ill on any politician before, even if I didn't agree with them. But I wish ill on Doug Ford. He's stripped so much money out of the Ontario health care system! My grandmother had a care program to come for "age in place" help. Well, it's all gone now. My mom has no one coming in. I help her pay neighbours to get groceries, shovel snow, etc. But as she gets worse, I don't know what I'll do. I cant get power of attorney to force her to move to me because her doctor retired, and she is now one of the over 30% of Ontarians without a family doctor. And with a resistant patient (as with paranoid dementia) the family doctor must sign off on the status of the dementia. We're stuck. Much better for me to have enough knowledge to prevent the same fate (and if Ford is in much longer, we won't HAVE any public health care left). Sorry for the wee rant, it's just so upsetting! Videos like yours give me hope that my son won't have to go through this with me. ❤❤❤


I’m sorry for your challenge. I’m 75 and I hear and see my friends fail….it’s heartbreaking! They have heard my thoughts on diet, but they ignore or forget! I ask them, “….have you thought about changing your diet?…”, they have numerous ‘reasons’ for not changing anything….just last week our alto player died-he was 62 ! A recently retired marine biologist, avid gardener etc…makes me sad, even now….
I really need ‘not today carbs’ in front of my nose….for today I’ll put a sign on my fridge !
Thanks !


I fear getting Alzheimer's too. My husband and I both have family history and the odds are pretty good that at least one of us will get it. Thanks for this video, any information regarding lessening the risk is vital, and appreciated!
