Cervelo P3X SUPERBIKE | Triathlon training 33 years after my last bike

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Added a few bits to the P3X and took it out for a ride. My last road bike was in 1987, so this was a HUGE leap forward!

I also address the obvious accusation that the bike just sums up the "all the gear, no idea" approach. Hint......it doesn't !!!

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Buy cheap buy twice ! Loving your reviews of kit. Very useful and inspiring to get out and do stuff


Thank you for a great message from the 14 minute mark on. This message is applicable to all parts of a person's life. A wonderful channel that I recently discovered and gives me great pleasure. Compliments to all.


Love your channel Mark and your positive outlook. I'm also on a similar journey to you having lost 40kg in the last 12 months and doing my first 70.3 ironman this summer. I just turned 50. Love that analogy too! Keep up the great content.


Great bike mark! A few tips for you, 1) take the bottle off the front to begin with so you can see through the bars and allows you to adjust the bars and position far more easily. 2) you bike fit should get you in a better position but I suggest high sided arm cups like Kismit ones, being a bigger athlete like me this will help you push into the sides and create a stable platform in the bars. 3) enter as many local TT events as possible this will get you used to how to ride this at pace on some decent roads in a safe environment.
Everyone giving there opinion on all the gear no idea are literally jealous that they don’t have it! They need go back in there hole! Loving the videos and supporting you all the way 👍


"Start As You Mean To Go On." This is why I love your videos. Keep it up man!
But yeah, that's not how mountain climbing works... Lol!!! Good analogy though.


Kudos. I spent a similar amount on my first road bike. No previous racing. Haters hated. 12 months later of structured training, 100W up on FTP, won my first 2 circuit races. Now a high level sprinter in the E12. No excuses can be made on equipment. It motivates me to train every day and stay consistent - most important.

I see a lot of people who buy bikes and equipment, flaunt it on social media then 2 months later its on ebay. Think there's a big mind set difference here.


Favero Assioma powermeter pedals. I have some and they are truly excellent bits of kit. Absolutely plug and play, no faffing. Connect every time, straight away. They just work.


Dude you went from a Walmart bike to a spaceship! Good for you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


All the gear, learning the idea!!! Nothing wrong with that!! Love the video’s, keep the inspiration coming. Starting barefoot running this month👍


If it fits your budget, go for the best option available. Always. Worst case would be that you stop pursuing the hobby or sport further. Then you can at least sell the kit for a marginal loss. And if you keep going on, you will always grow into the kit, not hitting a wall at some point and being forced to throw out additional money down the line.

That being said: I just bought a new roadbike that is also way faster than I am. But every time I see it, I have that craving to take it and go for a ride. That alone is worth every penny I spent. Makes me happy, and satisfaction strengthens habits.


The bit at the bottom where the brake levers is called the base bar. You'll definitely get used to unclipping. Been riding bikes clipped in since I was 12 (16 years) and it's as natural as breathing.


Great to see my local area on the TV ! Love your full on approach. All the gear no idea !! Just like me 🤣


Superb video!!! I love your sense of humour but even more so your dedication and outlook on life and the things you do with it. Keep up the hard work Mark I'm a follower for life!


"...the rope you're on appears to be awesome!" love it!


Amazing bike, all it is, is patience and persistence. Every day you will get better and better on those tri bars and it will feel like second nature. I’m still currently trying to gain confidence in riding my road bike without touching my handlebars, every day i get closer and closer.


Start as you mean to go on, je zus I could have used that line quite some time ago! Thanks man, totally agree


I've got that front hydration kit. It's very good except the little "sandwich box" section at the back of it is bloody useless and everything flies out of it. I took that off and it made it fit the bike better anyway.

Also, it's not cheap but the gorilla cage on the back is about the only bottle cage I found that actually holds a bottle in. I remember doing an event about five years ago and there were folks with cheap bottle holders with there bottles flying out everywhere. It was like avoiding missiles. There is nothing worse than putting your hand behind you and the bottle is gone.


Great video, as always!
About the rock climbing analogy, I appreciate it is only an analogy by someone who does not do the sport. So there is no criticism here, just info.
I am not great at the sport, but above average having 13 years of climbing and regularly climb 1000’+ walls.
First, the rope ONLY serves to catch you if you fall and does not actually propel, push or pull you in any way. Some ropes do make falling a much more enjoyable experience though. Think falling into a pillow vs a bag of bricks (maybe not that hard, but you get the idea).
Second, you should try climbing as a video series. It is a great balance of skill and strength and would make for some quality content.
Keep up the great videos, and the open minded perspectives.


Great analogy, I have a top tier age group triathlete friend who rides the exact same bike they are amazing and I know you will go on in style in June


1983 I was getting ready to. Head off to uni. Frightening when I think of it.
