Spotlight: White Evangelical Racism with Dr. Anthea Butler

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In this episode of the Spotlight on Culture, Society, and Religion series, Dr. Anthea Butler of the University of Pennsylvania talks about her recent book, White Evangelical Racism, which narrates the history of evangelicalism from the nineteenth century to the present through the lens of racism and a politics of morality. According to Dr. Butler, once we understand how racism has been at the core of conservative evangelical activism, we can better understand why white evangelicals have laid claim to morality while supporting politicians who act immorally by most Christian standards.

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Before watching the video, when you heard the words “evangelical” and “evangelicalism,” what words, images, or ideas came to mind?
What is something in the video that surprised you? Why was it surprising?
When the evangelical leader Billy Graham was asked to comment on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech in 1963, he responded, “Only when Christ comes again will little white children of Alabama walk hand in hand with little black children.” What do you think Graham meant by this response? What was he trying to persuade people to think or do? How might Butler see racism at work in these words?
According to the Black evangelist Tom Skinner, “The evangelical church in America supported the status quo. It supported slavery. It supported segregation.” Why do you think so many white evangelicals supported slavery, segregation and other forms of racism? Are there any social values or theological beliefs common among white evangelicals that may have fueled the rise of white evangelical racism? Which social values or theological beliefs did Butler mention or allude to in the video?

Additional Resources

Chrissy Stroop, “I’m Not Here to Fix Evangelicals, but to Show Them Who They Are: An Interview with the Author of ‘White Evangelical Racism,’” Religion Dispatches, March 10, 2021.

Podcast: “Understanding the Causes and Consequences of White Evangelical Fear,” WBUR On Point, November 19, 2021.

Lauren R. Kerby. “The Dispossessed? Lived History and White Christian Nationalism.” Berkeley Forum, February 3, 2021.

See the original interview here:
Рекомендации по теме

Some pretty powerful imagery. It's interesting to see the same arguments against desegregation come back in the CRT discussions.


When I suggest that someone attend church my advice is to lower your expectations of the people or you will be disappointed, focus your expectation on what Jesus can do for you personally and you will be blessed.


There is no hate like evangelical Christian love


Evangelicalism has spread to and through Africa in a huge way - one more destructive import into the continent IMO. Would love to see analysis and comments on this .


This is very insightful. Thank you. I briefly attend a Christian Evangelical college.


Why don’t we see that love & good fellowship are the delights of heaven, while hostility & hatred are the torments of hell?


God only know what goes on in White Churches on any given Sunday.


Change starts on the inside of each person first, can't have change in people in different groups without change of each person first.


JUST ordered this book. Been talking about this for a long time.


Generalization and pigeonholing are always ill advised


I tell you one thing, Heaven is not going to be segregated!


I’m so over BK folks reaching out for YT validation, it’s not even funny at this point it’s embarrassing! If they don’t like us keep it moving, who cares!!!


The church is not perfect but he will perfect her for himself


What this video explains to me are a couple of things one I've always known whiteness is more important than any Jesus any God any country any family whiteness will always come 1st The 2nd thing I got from this video is that people are still hung up on titles which is absolutely ridiculous to me just because you claim to be some sort of Christian does it mean you can't support racism knowingly these people voted for Donald Trump Donald Trump is the opposite of any Christian values which tells me to these people whiteness is more important because the one thing Donald Trump is willing to do is protect whiteness so no matter if you're a Christian or whatever else whiteness will always come 1st over all... European evangelicals are just racist with a Bible instead of a hood


My question is...if religion has not purged the antiblackness out of people, (after centuries of Sundays)
Why is there a belief, that religion can purge the gayness out of people?


As a BLK man can't say what I want to


It looks like the host has all-black eyes cuz I can’t see the scleras at all. Looks really cool!


...if you do not speak through, then you will confuse people to what your trying to convey..imply state that the majority evangelicals are Caycasians/alike racist/classists..deguising there racism/classism under the banner of religious banter ideologies...


Usually, when you create a hypothesis, this is followed up with research, experimentation, or facts. Not pictures with lead lines. The damage of racism is that the truth can and will infect all in comes in contact with. That is what lies do. Yes, the scripture holds the individual accountable. Hold yourself accountable, and pull that beam from your eye and see clearly. You may then create a hypothesis with an accurate conclusion.


Ethnocentrism is of the flesh. Literally. If your for God be for God not churches of men.
