Can God create a rock he can't lift? #shorts

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#atheist #god #debate
*Correction: Instead of "paradox" I meant "contradiction in terms"
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People make fun of the guy cause he kept on saying “yeah” maybe we shouldn’t and appreciate how agreeable and cooperative he was? or no just make fun of him cause he’s interested in our religion and asking genuine questions…?


I remember someone answering this in a funny way-

An atheist asks a Muslim, "Can god create a rock that he cannot lift? Yes or no."

Of course, this is a paradox. It has no correct answer. Again, it has no wrong answer.

The Muslim responded, "Have you stopped stealing? Yes or no."

The atheist was in a dilemma. *If he says yes, it means that he used to steal before, and hence now he has stopped. If he says no, it means he is still stealing.* Both yes and no answers are wrong.

Such questions are simply a waste of time. Paradoxes cannot be answered with yes or no.


That’s like asking “Can God cease to exist?” of course not because by definition he’s eternal. How can an eternal being cease to exist who’s not meant to cease to exist by the very conditions of eternity. A similar question “Who created God?” falls into this same category because God is an eternal necessary being so by definition no other being could have created an eternal necessary being otherwise he would be dependent and not necessary. “Can God create a squared circle?” “Can you hear the color blue?” “Can you taste my voice?” “Can you touch my voice?” It’s all mumbo jumbo that can’t be answered because the question itself doesn’t make sense and goes against the very nature of that particular thing or that being.


So you gonna come to Islam

This man : Yeah.


Imagine the queen being a cashier at walmart 😭😭😭😭


I remember brother Hamza Tzortsis saying to a group of us once that if someone keeps irritating you with this question, he trolls them by flipping the script by saying "God can create a rock so heavy He can't lift it... but He can lift it too" - the person you are talking to will realise the answer is only as absurd as the question being asked

Also remember that gods actions are not just ability but also wisdom, I can smash my head through a window but there is no wisdom or reason about that, Allah azawajal does as he pleases and his actions always have purpose and wisdom.


It is essentially a matter of definitions. If what they mean is a rock that can’t be lifted by God, that’s an impossibility. the non-existence of "thing", this is the case:
First, let's define the words.
Rock which can’t be lifted by God: the non-existence of a thing.
Doing something: that which is in the field of being, so a thing.
We say God can do every*thing*, not an impossibility, since impossibilities aren’t things.
Let’s ask the question again:
Can God do something that isn’t a thing.
“Something that’s isn’t a thing” doesn’t exist in the first place, so the question is contradictory


Now this is a high quality reel, Ma Sha Allah great vid.


can my heart melt while listening to a Quran recitation and stay in place ?
yes ❤️


That is a stupid question because the question is formed under the assumption that God is tied to the law of gravity in the first place.

It shows how little his understanding of what God is.


They are confused about Allah's power....on the day of judgement they will see


Can you turn left right?
Can you be big small?


So, when you can't answer paradoxes, you turn philosophical.


It is a paradoxical statement. It is just like asking for a circular square.


Of all things you posted and I watched, I think this is the only thing I actually agree with you on. I'll check out more. I like to pride myself on being open minded


The boy in the end: *I agree I agree* 🌚


The other guy was humble to hear out everything subhanallah may Allah all mighty guide him


That's like saying ; can God (who's omnipotent.) not become omnipotent anymore? Because if he can't then he's not omnipotent.

See? It's stupid. The whole thing is just Illogical.


My english is not the best

This question is more an external matter that has less to do with the Quran. Of course Allah is omnipotent. First we have to analyze what is the intention of the questioner. With this question, the questioner is not really expecting an answer. There are also similar questions of this kind, e.g. How does Allah know that He is omniscient? If one then answers from his omniscience, then the other says that it would be a circular argument. These questions are what is called a liar's paradox. This does not mean that the questioner is a liar, but the concept is called that.

An example of liar paradox: A speaks the sentence "I am lying right now". A now asks B if he is speaking the truth. If B says "yes" then A can say "but I am saying that I am lying" and if B answers "no" then A says "yes but I am saying yes in the sentence that I am lying".

This means that questions of this kind have neither a positive nor a negative result.
The intention of the questioner is contradictory from the beginning and the question itself is inconsistent. From an Islamic perspective, one would simply answer: Yes, Allah could create such a stone and subsequently He would also be able to lift this stone.

Real answer in german:
Diese Frage ist eher eine externe Sache, die weniger mit dem Quran zutun hat. Natürlich Allah ist allmächtig. Zuerst müssen wir analysieren was ist die Intention des Fragestellers. Mit dieser Frage erwarteter der Fragesteller nicht wirklich eine Antwort. Es gibt auch ähnliche Fragen dieser Art z.B. Woher weiss Allah, dass Er allwissend ist? Wenn man dann antwortet aus seiner Allwissenheit, dann sagt der andere, dass es ein Zirkelschluss wäre. Bei diesen Fragen handelt es sich um einen sogenannten Lügner-Paradox. Das heisst nicht, dass der Fragesteller ein Lügner ist, sondern das Konzept nennt sich so.

Ein Beispiel für Lügner-Paradox: A spricht den Satz „Ich lüge gerade“. A fragt jetzt B, ob er die Wahrheit spricht. Wenn B „Ja“ sagt dann kann A sagen „aber ich sage doch, dass ich lüge“ und wenn B doch mit „Nein“ antwortet, dann sagt A „ja aber ich sage ja in dem Satz, dass ich lüge“

Das heisst fragen dieser Art haben weder ein positiven noch ein negatives Ergebnis.
Die Intention des Fragestellers ist von Beginn an widersprüchlich und die Frage in sich ist inkonsistent. Aus einer islamischen Perspektive würde man ganz einfach antworten: Ja Allah könnte so einen Stein erschaffen und im Anschluss wäre Er auch in der Lage, diesen Stein zu heben.
