What ONE stock you would NEVER sell?

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Episode 55 — We debate our "forever" stock picks (other than Amazon), Chris gives an update on his "coin rolling" progress, we dive deeper into our diligence for a potential investment, then we meet Piersten Gaines, founder of a unique local startup called Pressed Roots that has an ambitious expansion strategy.

Subscribe and watch for an upcoming episode with your chance to take all the silver coins we find in the $500 in today's episode!

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So, what is YOUR “forever” stock? What is that one stock you want to keep for at least 10 years?? Post in the comments and vote 👍 or 👎 on other people’s picks...


First stock I bought was Enron, in 2005, I haven’t even looked at it since 🤷🏻‍♂️


My forever “stock” ...$VOO!!! Vote me up 👍


It’s our first time trying a YouTube “premiere” — I’ll be watching & commenting live if anyone shows up!


You need to make this video again. Jordan left tsla. Chris halfed his Disney and Dave shorted his forever stock lol


Being from Dallas and seeing y’all eating at some of my favorite spots while talking finance made me extremely happy, subscribed 🔥


Well they need to keep this channel going for 10 years now so that we can see the result


My forever--or 10-year minimum hold time frame--stock is MSFT. Actually I've already had them in my ROTH for well over 10 years--more like 20+ now. And, I'm also buying them in one of my taxable accounts. But, in all honesty, I have several companies which I plan to hold for 10+ years. I am much more of a buy-and-hold type of investor, so I try to pick companies I know I will gladly hold on to for the long haul.


Berkshire if I had to pick one stock given I think it has limited downside. Agree with Dave that an index fund would be the choice though if playing by the rules that you can pick one stock/index fund/mutual fund.


Impresssed Chris is able to get $500 in coins after going to three banks. Also, we should definitely rule out VOO if we cannot even pick FAANG


First off, thank you guys. I just got out of a coma and your channel helped me recover. Anyway, my forever stock would be Blockbuster because how could you replace the joy of renting a movie!?


Great pick Dave. VOO might be a copout, but it’s the most pragmatic choice.

So I’d probably go with VOO as well, but if I had to pick an individual stock, I’d be comfortable with—well several actually—but I’ll go with Costco. It’s just the epitome of solid, ethical business practices, great moat, dividend growth, recession resistant—I could go on. I could sleep well at night knowing my money was tied up in Costco for 10+ years.

That said, I’d also be fine with several others (all of which I currently own, for the record), including AAPL, MSFT, V, MA, DIS, JNJ, PEP, MCD, and more.


Comments on your stock choices:
DISNEY: While this was not my 'buy and hold for ten year stock', I think it is an excellent choice. The reason given in the video is excellent. Parents want to share some of their own childhood with their kids... and Disney provides that. They have the Disney brand itself, plus superheroes (with Marvel) and then Star Wars. Their purchase of Lucasfilm not only included the IP of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc... but also included Industrial Light and Magic (ILM). Disney's ability to release a billion dollar hit every couple of months... and then continue to monetize it later (merchandise, theme park attractions, follow up shorts, etc) and distribute it is hard to argue with. Excellent choice!


I LOVE the S&P500 choice, it is the best answer for me 😉 it is about having faith in the american economy


Mine is Tesla. Good upside with not that much risk.


Salesforce, amazing company with and outgoing CEO, commanding market share.


Totally agree on TSLA, though given current price there might be a better opportunity out there in small caps.

VOO is an ETF and not a stock, just saying.


Holy shit.. looking back, tesla was a nice call hahah


HAHA! Disney and Tesla are the first stocks I ever bought and for the exact same reasons. A little bit confirmation bias I suppose, but it feels good to see successful guys shared my view point as well. I'm going to look into VOO. Thanks, guys!


"Now that I have to walk into that bank" bemoans the guy who loves physical banks.
