DM to DF💌No-Contact📵INTENSE‼️NOTHING Could’ve Prepared Them For What GOD Revealed About YOU😱⚠️RARE⚠️

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Ever since I met him God has revealed things about him to me in my dream state. When I look into his eyes I see everything.


Our eye contact is very intense. We see each other soul


Life is what you make it keep smiling stay strong and happy thankful of God's grace amen


1:22 I’m a Seer and yes I SEE so much more than most. I literally can feel everything just by looking into the eyes of someone and I always know if that person is going to be in my life as a romantic partner or platonic or just passing by. Try explaining to someone that you only can see through their eyes they are a friend only nothing romantic and yet they still want to be in a relationship, it’s not easy when you have to let them know I don’t see us together like that. Then when you can see your whole life with someone just by looking into their eyes and they walk away, that’s even harder. Takes a strong being to be a SEER not everyone has this gift but if you do cherish it.


No need to shy away unless he has things to hide. Nothing remains hidden. The truth will set you free. ❤❤❤. Lovely reading as always thank you Crystal. Resonates with me.


❤ I’m here for him. I can feel his energy. There is no reason for him to worry about coming and seeing me.


LOL "simply engaging is no simple task." Nailed it ;-) Exposure with wrong timing - no closure is always hard though. And the cyclical hot and cold - I had to drop it because of that.


I have claircognizance and clairolfactance abilities. My DM and I are no contact for more than 1 year and yet I still feel and dream of him and his energy. I actually dreamt of him last night randomly. This was a very cyclical connection, up and down, hot ans cold. Eventually I had to walk away because the connection was eroding my sense of self. Wow Crystal this was a timely message and I thank you❤


God guides His Children! Thank you Lord for my DM as He comes to me! Love this reading!❤️🙏


I usually don’t talk about these type of things because people usually don’t believe them anyway, but I like to talk about them sometimes, My eyes have a way with Men Once I gaze upon them, I can telepathically communicate with them, and I feel their sexual thoughts towards me and they can feel mine I brought it up A few times to different people, and They were very shocked, and said I was a witch lol


She lives in a different state and yes I can feel her energy vibrations towards me and it's all good ⚔️🙏💯🌠👁️💚✴️ the BEAR


Thank you Crystal, this resonated, what a journey and not for the faint hearted, two years no contact in 3D so I understand how exposing this feels and the level of vulnerability needed from both of us after this passing of time but almost feeling like time has stood still.

I’ve trusted in divine timing and in the natural unfolding and want them to have peace and happiness that I’ve been seeking in life as the unconditionally loving soul I am, and always have been, and this journey confirmed this truth about who I am at a soul level so I can live more authentically and feel fulfilled to ‘be’ in that energy.

I’m grateful for all the lessons no matter how challenging, and the growth which this journey affords us both whichever path we choose and is our free will. In some ways for me it doesn’t feel like a choice as I follow my heart and soul intuitively and never felt more certain in my life ever and not attached to an outcome with free will on both sides. So we shall see. This whole journey is a gift and I feel fortunate and blessed to experience it and how transformational it is.💚


I am clairesentient, an energy worker, healer, and Alchemist. I just know things. I know he is healing, and I know I trigger him. He is all earth and is very much about control. I see timelines and have a canny nack of telling people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. I don't have a lot of people because of this. But he is tied to me in a ways I don't even understand. He does it to himself. He will learn, maybe.


Who in their right mind would come to this plane of existence from the HEAVENS?! 💖💯💋💍


Same with me about my person. I've had dreams and visions with information they didn't tell me. But I do know how they feel even when I look at them. I feel a pull towards them and it doesn't go away. It only gets stronger. It's getting so intense. I know when they look at me it makes me weak in the knees. But I love them. ❤❤❤😊 I hope God sends them to me soon. I don't want to go thru my future without them by my side I need and want them. I was ghosted but there were times they tried calling me but chickened out. I want contact. What you said about this connection is exactly right and God did put us together, I believe it, thar we are destined to walk thru this life.


I am just as nervous as you, I’m hoping we can get through this first meeting with feeling comfortable, to remember this is a divine love that’s brought us together, ♾️♥️🙏


Old self dying is hard, glad I'm not alone


This is absolutely 1000% talking about my situation.. absolutely mind blown.. every card was exactly on point and validated my intuition on the subject, despite the fact he seems to dismiss me and disagree.. thank you so much 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Resonates, indeed. I am prepared and I know how to dim my flame. I enjoy the human experience with my mate. It's still magical. ❤❤❤❤❤


I feel it too and I want to reconnect but there are a lot of people trying to stand in the way... It's up to him now, I've distanced myself from those people but I think he's still connected to them. I want to choose him but only if he wants to choose me. If not, I want it to be his decision not theirs. Love always.🙏🤗❤
