Uncovering Street Fighter 6 JP's Shocking History And True Identity!

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Ever since his reveal trailer, fans of the series have been mystified about Street Fighter 6 JP's realidentity of the mysterious new fighter JP.

Today we finally uncover this shocking plot twist. Watch to find out the dark secret of JP!

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Considering how Ken and Cammy both share JP as the final boss, I’m pretty sure that Delta Red’s pretty much aware that Ken was framed when they saw the footage.


Wow I absolutely love JP’s Goal compared to all the other SF antagonist

Bison- I want ultimate power and world Domination
Gil- I want to lead humanity to utopia after the apocalypse
Akuma- I want grow more powerful and prove my mastery over my fighting style
Seth-I wish to copy the abilities of others and world domination

JP- I wanna make MF money


honestly I like his character. As he build his own empire from scratch and started as regular mafia boss
who was skilled in manipulation, money laundering and framing

, then learned about Shadoloo and secret societies and learned about higher powers.
He is not like Bison, Seth or Gill who had big power and organization from start.


Honestly, this is a nice twist! I'm glad that JP isn't just a new body for Bison-- let alone one of the madman's weird contingencies. He was just a guy who managed to manifest Psycho Power after years of researching it. But he's still largely a mystery.


I find it interesting that altough JP worked at shadaloo he hated shadaloo and bison i mean he did call him a madman


Well he succeeded in convincing M. Bison that the Bison dollars will not work as a worldwide currency XD so there is that.


JP is such a badass man . A well designed character


I still think the actual big twist of the game will be that your avatar is the the most succesful "copy fighter" created by JP and that's why you can copy and use every single technique and power form every single character.


JP's victory outro is a reference to Q. JP has Q's silhouette at 0:00. Same height as Q and G. Same eyes as G. Q and G have the same moveset animations. Cybele is the Goddess of Earth, G draws the power of the Earth.


To be honest bison is my favorite villain in capcom games but JP is like having a heihachi Mishima and rugal berstein in street fighter. Let’s if amnesia become a power organization


I think there is more to this story like J.P. possible real life inspiration from the banker and investor J.P. Morgan (John Pierpont Morgan). During the late 1800s and early 1900s he built a financial empire in both the private industry as well as governments. This isn't so different from the fictional J.P. from Street Fighter 6.


Thanks for the video! Was trying to find a channel that talks about it and is interested in understanding the story (since I don't have the game)
It's interesting but kinda annoying that we can't know too much about the future of the story just yet


I just wonder what happened with the Illuminati.


I think JP also looks down on everyone else to the extent that even when he fights he never touches the opponent with any part of his skin... stereotypical rich snob lol.
All of his physical attacks are with his cane or shoes. I've rewound his throws in slow motion and it looks like he just manipulates them with the cane before flipping them over with it. And even his SP3 where he grabs them by the throat he is suddenly wearing gloves that he otherwise doesn't.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it really seems like they went out of their way to ensure that in none of JPs attacks will he deign to make any kind of skin to skin contact .


One year later.... They just announced M.Bison is back. And he looks like the new Bison..


JP is a derivative of JP Morgan Chase. Nothing is original. Too much time has passed in this realm.


If I understand it right, psycho power is basically soul power, just warped into something purely negative, have to wonder how JP went about developing it, if he took a path similar to Bison or did something else.


Of course bison would have an evil wizard doing his bookkeeping



I've created a monster
'Cause nobody wants to see Bison no more
They want JP I'm chopped liver


I love the connection of jp and m.bison involved psycho power inherited from shadowloo. WOW, he has a good pet cat during his childhood
