Liquid Text Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - Custom Text Animation

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Hey Everyone, welcome back to my After Effects Tutorial. It's Halloween time, so why not make some cool-looking text animation. Not just animation, this text animation contains some cool dripping effects which makes it look like liquid animation. This tutorial is extremely beginner-friendly, so you can make this text animation in under a few minutes. This tutorial is also going to cover, text animation after effects, liquid text animation after effects, liquid text animation, liquid text animation after effects tutorial, liquid text animation tutorial, liquid text animation after effects template, Halloween animation, Halloween animation after effects, Halloween animation after effects tutorial, custom text animation after effects, custom text animation, how to make custom text animation after effects text animation, after effects text reveal, after effects text animation tutorial, after effects text tutorial, after effects text animation presets, and more. So watch this complete tutorial, and get ready for Halloween.
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As always, this tutorial is free and we are not using any third-party plugin for creating this. Every single tutorial on my channel is made with love and hard work, so don't forget to leave a like. 👍 Thank you for Watching ❤️
#AfterEffectsTutorial #MotionGraphics