🤑Is Tower of Fantasy Pay to Win?

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In reality. The answer is yes, people who pay with always be ahead of those who dont


Oh, I'm dropping some cash on cosmetics. Weapon... Idk. Lmao.


Ive had over between 80-100+ pulls so far all for free just for exploring the game. Black nucleus and Gold can be found in the world which helps a lot as a free to play player. I also have gotten 4 ssr including one I really wanted to try out. So as a free to play, I haven't felt an urge or need to spend to do better in the game at all.

Edit: I also really like that sr weapons aren't even that bad so far. I get duplicates often which helps alot to amp up their damage.


My issue with the game is how bad the dodging is, I would still take damage even during successful dodges, if your forced to take hits and a good bit of content and challenges have timers to them then you can't just run around out of range to dodge because your wasting clock time which makes the p2w even worse because your going to feel cheated if you get 1 shot by a strong attack, or are forced to eat a bunch of attacks until you die because the successful dodge doesn't register properly then your kinda screwed unless your character is so strong it doesn't matter, mobile games don't want skill requirement they want a game which a wallet can solve any issues thrown at the player.


Bro i hot 2 SSR weapons in one 10 pull, my pity is currently 30

Update: i got 2 more ssr in my last 10 pull today, so 4 ssr in 80 pulls(2huma+ zero+ crow)


What's kind of glossed over is just how farmable the currency is. You need to pick up the black pearls from stuff as well as chests. The chests in particular can give you currency at purple and up. Those same chests respawn.


2 10pulls and got an SSR, i love that pity doesnt reset and SR or SSR is guaranteed every 10pull


Well I just started playing this on release on PS5... so a few days ago... and I've had 5 SSR characters already! 1 from the 3.99 SSR gift box from the PS Store, 1 from pulling the Black Nuclei banner 2 from the Gold Nuclei Banner and 1 from the 80th pity roll using Red Nuclei (all of which I got in game).
I got Samir, Yu Lan, Cobalt-B, Shiro and Zero. I did explore 90+% of Astra and Banges so I got tons of Nuclei and Black Crystal from that, but so far it hasn't felt like a grind at all even with levelling weapons. The hardest part is gonna be getting duplicate SSR characters that will be turned into the Fusion Cores needed to level up the SSR weapons...
Loving the art style and the story/gameplay so far though! ✌️😁


The game is so fun to explore and traverse with friends it’s so easy to have fun for a bit and then you get to do like 60 pulls


I'm one of those guys who would rather earn my stuff. ;)


This gacha system is REALLY GENEROUS compared to other Games .


Tower of Fantasy is underrated in my opinion. They're gacha system is 10x better than Genshin Impact which is the reason i play TOF more.


Farm able means you can get it anytime with no limit. So is it truly farmable (don't mind the grind) or is it daily rewards n sht...


Ill sprinkle some cash on this here and there, but the fact it does reset pity, huge, also you can build up a secondary gacha currency to just flat out buy characters you cant get with luck, this game is definitely less predatory than most


got 5 ssr in 1 week with free pull, niceee


I already have 5 SSR for free not a single cent spent


Any games that isn’t skill based and has micro transactions is typically going to be pay to win that’s just how it is, however if you choose ( bc it is a choice) to not spend money on a game then you don’t get to complain about people who do. I see it happen a lot and I always say you made that decision, you can pay anytime the same way whales can stop paying. Just play how you want to play and don’t worry about another man’s money. That’s usually my take on games like this


I have 5 SSR at pity 80. (King, Tsubasa, Samir, Shiro and Coco)


Put it this way, we pay we ahead is normal, because we farmed in the game and farmed irl.. two effort is more than one, it's actually make sense if you think about it.


Got a SSR with black nucleus pulls which is absolutely crazy.
One SSR on 77/80 and another one at 80.
