WINNING DRESSAGE ROUND Finnish Hobbyhorse Championships 2019

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This is from when I competed in the SM Kür back in 2019. The music if from the Game of Thrones series. I remember being SO nervous before starting!

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As a person who loves to watch actual dressage I am very impressed how well are these people able to replicate horse movements. That passage and piaffe were absolutely beautiful!


she gets applause but, I do this in the street with My neighbor’s head and i’m the bad guy…?


This would be more entertaining if it was a Hobby Horse Jousting competition.


Good on them, looks like they're all having fun and not hurting anyone or anything.
You can see wowsers by their comments, 😁


Amazing! Do you jump or just Dressage?


So... I just watched the second episode of the current season of Amazing Race Canada and, while I was at first _super_ excited to discover that hobby horse competitions were a thing when one of the challenges was hobby horse dressage, I quickly became disappointed whenI discovered that... it wasn't dressage. They did things like running sideways and jumps, and jumps while running sideways (which I don't think horses can even do?) I decided to see if I could find any _actual_ hobby horse dressage, and was very happy when I found this!

Congratulations on winning, you did super well!


You know what? Good on her! She’s out being active doing something with herself instead of sitting around being a couch potato with no ambition, I for one can see the effort it would take to memorise the routine and perform it with the kind of cadence and expression that a real horse would, good on her.


Anyone doing this in the US would be bullied beyond belief and that's sad. Does it look silly? Yes. Why does it look silly to us? Probably because we see it as something a small child would do. I wanted to BE a horse when I was a kid and my best friend and I played "horses" every recess at school. Consequentially, I was called Horsey by every boy in school through 8th grade. If you enjoy something that doesn't harm anyone don't let anyone tell you there's something wrong with it. There is some immense stamina and strength in what she did here in this video...coordination and memory too. So while it might look "funny" to outsiders, she is a strong young lady who isn't hurting anyone and is using her body in a healthy way. Naysayers need to just piss off.


Wtf is this she just ran around in circles for 5 mins


Please don't compare this to rodeos in the south western United States. I count about 100 people in the audience including participants waiting their turns. Not a lot of interest for the "Championship"


Just to confirm, this is not a joke ?


Tried outside. My neighbor called 911 saying I lost my mind


I looked this up to show my dad and he laughed so hard. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. And people take this seriously? Oh may I add, these people have the audacity to say they are an equestrian.


Im glad she didn't get bucked off...The lights can really spook a horse.


super impressive. my cousin does this. you rock!


Great job! You deserved the win! I subscribed to you I watched all of your videos! Good job I wanna come to Finland one day and join a competition! Keep working hard bravo 👏


do they realise that they are not all there, a six pack short of six cans, if we done this as kids we would never be sble to hold our heads up ever again, what do their parents think, if my kids wanted to do this i would bury my head in the sand from the embarrassment


It must have taken ages to teach the horse, well done for your patience!


For all those negative comments, people please realize that this may look extremely strange to you because you didn't grow up around it. Maybe these girls can't afford a horse, maybe they like doing this. It's strange to me, and I admit that I laughed the first time I saw it, but I respect that this is what they want to do. How would you feel if someone made fun and called you a lunatic, mad man, said that you needed therapy, because the sport you played was completely new to them?


Man listen…I would’ve gotten to my 2nd lap around the living room before my mom would’ve pulled out a belt 😂😂 WHAT in the entire lily white lifetime supply of saltine crackers is going on here???👀😩😩🤭🤔 Pardon my immense ignorance on this matter, but I’ve never seen, nor have I ever heard of such a thing outside of watching my toddler do this whilst playing outside. Wow. Like, WHO decided that this should be a “sport”? I’m so confused.🙈🤯🤯🤣😭
