Is Black Poop, Okay?

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Hi Doctor Islam.

I had a colorectal surgery 3 months ago 😢.  I had a small hemorrhoids. Now that I had the surgery I don't know how to poop. On my own without taking laxatives 3 months that I am taking laxatives. Because of the place where the surgery take place now is very very small. And I don't go toilet every day. If I don't go one day the other day will be difficult for me to poop so I have to take laxative. I try Not take laxative but on my own will not happen. And want no to take laxative.  I think I was better before the surgery. I was going to poop every 2/3 days. I thought I would be better 😔  but now I feel I was better then. Please tell me how can I be independent from the laxatives.


Thanks, i had black poop today and i was extremely worried about it


Thank you a day ago I had to drink a whole bottle of Pepto-Bismol because I went out with my sister and I drunk alcohol and I usually don’t drink it and I got a real bad upset stomach and that my stool was in black


And I have a hemorrhoid, my hemorrhoid mostly bleed when I wipe and I’m thinking that could be another reason why my stool is black as well please I need your help


Charcoal capsules can also turn your stool black.


so lately i’ve been having super bad nausea and i can’t eat much without throwing it up and i had black stool today and other than that ive been constipated


Hey Dr. Islam! My name is Hannan, I'm 20 years old, last year I suffer deep anxiety and depression and also I diagnose with a H. Pylori stomach infection. It's cure by Antibiotic and now I'm fine by the grace of Allah, but the only problem I'm facing is the too much burping because of gas. When ever I'm laying down the burping goes and when I sit on chair it's start again. I feel like my stomach fill with heat, it cause no pain or anything just burping, sometimes it's cure after eating junk it's back, so I stop taking junks. Please advice me any good thing to mitigate these burping. Thank you!


He answered my question in the first 16seconds😂I’ve been taking iron supplement


Started having black stools, so I googled and it was all the licorice I was eating.


what is meant by the term tarry, in relation to this please ?


Hey Doc Sameer, my poop is somewhat flat and sometimes it's between cylindrical and flat shape, around 1-2 inches wide and 3-4 inches in length. It's brown in colour and sometimes yellow. I have gas, acid reflux and acidity issue for which I took medicine and now started doing yoga and exercises. Daily I poop out 2 times and some day 3 times a day. Is that flat shape/in between cylindrical to flat shape poop a concern please?


Does this doc ever reply, was going to ask a question pointless


I have black stool i taking iron one why my stool is black


Hey doc i have red black poop what should i do


Doc my poop is color black but its not tar like and its not sticky but i feel nervous because i googled it and it says my stomach id bleeding and my poop is normal but color back pls help


I ate oreo icecream yesterday and happened to me today is it from it or no


Can toddlers have black stool for 3 days


Ok not okay. How can you be trusted with information when you can't spell the basic 2 letter word!


My poop is black is that bc i ate a pack of Oreos???


It’s because you ate to much black stuff
