Demystifying Devil Engine - Tips, Lessons, and A Journey of Improvement

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Hello everyone, and welcome!

In today's video, we're examining Devil Engine's reputation for being memorization-heavy. This was inspired by jumping in again for the first time in two years (since clearing Very Hard mode) and making some interesting observations.

Additionally, there will be some tips and lessons included for new players or those revisiting DE.

If you’re considering purchasing DE, keep in mind that the artist and musician are receiving no portion of the revenue from this game (last time I checked).

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time!
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6:06 to add to this explanation, it should also be noted that bullets absorbed on the inside of your burst radius take away from your multiplier and bullets absorbed on the outside edge of your radius add to it. Since the burst lasts for about a quarter of a second that means that if you move after the initial button press then all bullets absorbed after frame 1 will be on the outside radius and, therefore, will add to your multiplier. This means that moving into bullets when you press burst is the best way to keep your multiplier up after bursting. Just keep in mind the burst radius is larger with a larger multiplier, so space accordingly. You can see this in action at 9:58 where you have an x6 multiplier and burst a ton of bullets but drop down to x2, yet at 10:16 you have an x2 multiplier and get all the way back up to x6 since all those bullets you absorbed were on the outside edge of your tiny radius.


That's a relief, I was thinking that I'm of the few that really its in love with Devil Engine. Devil Engine now with the complete edition update including Ignition DLC, for my personal taste one of the greatest shumup ever made.


With the Ignition DLC finally released, I think I can die peacefully now...

I just uploaded a very hard 1CC on my channel, it took several attempts, but after a very close fight with the final boss I managed to pull it off.


Dude! Great video, you're each time more legendary !
Sometimes I revisit this game and love it but it's brutal on me. Still couldn't get 1cc. Also would much like to be able to do better on Boss rush (I get quickly smashed), but without more bombs it's too difficult.
Thanks for the content and take care man!


That was a superb video. It's always great when something makes you realise 'wow i wasnt as good at that six months ago'.
Not too surprised that you found it easier than 2 years back. ; after all those expert clears of Rolling Gunner were phenomenal!
Thought your views on memorisation and the part it plays and its relative importance was spot on.The skill and experience of a player must to some extent be transferable within the genre even though every game is different to an extent.


Great concept for a video, comparing your own gameplay from 2 years ago to today was cool. It can be hard to gauge your overall progress as a player with shmups since they seem to have infinitely scaling difficulty, and with more experience even if you were to pick an easier game you may be more inclined to approach it in such a way that makes it a challenge whether that be using less resources, a weaker ship or scoring.
As for Devil Engine, this one looks right up my alley. I'll have to check it out at some point.


Thanks for the video Dace, very informative and interesting as always👍


I can very much relate to this regarding my experience playing the Hotline Miami series. The gameplay is very fast and intimidating, and with instant death being the norm: it seems like memorization of levels seemed to be the way to go during my first couple runs. It was only years later when revisiting the title was I fully capable of improvising levels with flexibility.


Wow this video was strong! Super cool to watch the comparison and a really powerful vehicle for some high level concepts. I can’t believe it’s only 10 minutes long … that was a quite a ride!


Excellent video!

With the bursting mechanic in place, I’ve always felt like this game is more about careful gameplay rhythm than actual level memorization, so it’s great to see this further explained.

Also, the bursting while the power up is behind you tip is excellent!


Just picked this game up a few days ago, and it certainly is intimidating to start out. Very hard is very much an experience, for sure... The Andraste ship I was having a difficult time clicking with. I'm personally feeling more at home with the other two, but they both have their downsides as well. Have you only dug into the game with Andraste? The ships all play radically different from each other, and completely change the feel of the game in my opinion. Really interesting design choice by the developer, it makes Devil Engine stand out from all the other shmups out there, I'd say.


cool game i will try it (i am so bad at shmup games😝)


Do you get infinite credits in this game?


is "memoriser" even a useful term. every shmup inherently requires memorisation and the only ones that don't are touhou and versus shmups


The artist and musician that made this game are not getting paid. It is being sold without their consent.

No one should buy this game
