The RANDOM GALAXY Skin BOSS Challenge in Fortnite! (Hades,Posiedon,Cerberus,Zeus,Aphrodite)

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The RANDOM Galaxy Skin Boss Challenge in Fortnite (Hades, Zeus, Cerberus, Medusa, Aphrodite, Artemis & Poseidon)
Today we did the *Random* Mythic Boss Challenge in Fortnite with the New Season 2 Boss Skins and collected all the Mythic Items of the bosses, Avatar Mythics, Medallions, Opened the Vaults and defeated all the bosses in fortnite chapter 5 season 2 and completed the challenge to get ourselves a Victory Royale with every Boss skin!
Use code "GATTU" in the Fortnite item shop and Subscribe if you enjoyed watching today's video and wanna see more videos like this this one.
Today we did the *Random* Mythic Boss Challenge in Fortnite with the New Season 2 Boss Skins and collected all the Mythic Items of the bosses, Avatar Mythics, Medallions, Opened the Vaults and defeated all the bosses in fortnite chapter 5 season 2 and completed the challenge to get ourselves a Victory Royale with every Boss skin!
Use code "GATTU" in the Fortnite item shop and Subscribe if you enjoyed watching today's video and wanna see more videos like this this one.
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