How Thread Pool Work in Java | Multithreading

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In Java, a thread pool is a pool of worker threads that are created to perform a set of tasks concurrently. The main idea behind using a thread pool is to reduce the overhead of creating and destroying threads for each task, as thread creation and destruction can be resource-intensive.
You can access the specific topic from the chapters given below
0:00 How running things in Parallel helps?
1:16 How a Thread is Created in the System
2:03 Issues with Large Number of Threads
2:34 What is a Thread Pool?
3:24 How re-usability help?
4:10 Advantages
4:55 Handling Back Pressure Use-case
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Java multithreading, multithreading in Java, Java threads, multithreading concepts, Java programming, thread synchronization, thread safety, multithreaded applications, Java performance, programming tutorial, core Java, Java development, coding examples, Java concurrency, Java tutorials, learn Java multithreading, Java coding, optimize Java code.
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You can access the specific topic from the chapters given below
0:00 How running things in Parallel helps?
1:16 How a Thread is Created in the System
2:03 Issues with Large Number of Threads
2:34 What is a Thread Pool?
3:24 How re-usability help?
4:10 Advantages
4:55 Handling Back Pressure Use-case
To check out more on the tutorials Topic wise you can follow below links
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Java multithreading, multithreading in Java, Java threads, multithreading concepts, Java programming, thread synchronization, thread safety, multithreaded applications, Java performance, programming tutorial, core Java, Java development, coding examples, Java concurrency, Java tutorials, learn Java multithreading, Java coding, optimize Java code.
#JavaProgramming #MultithreadingInJava #ConcurrentHashMap #ProgrammingTutorial #JavaPerformance #CodeOptimization #virtualthreads #java #new-features #java21 #exceptionhandlinginjava #interview #generics #hashtable #interview #jdbc #java #db #treeset #collectionframework #binarysearchtree #linkedlist #list #arraylist #fibonacci #java #fastest #gc #heap #java #stack #jvm #architecture #exception #interview #exam #interface #abstraction #coding #methodoverloading #methodoverriding #runtime #compiletime #polymorphism #inheritance #constructors #objects #static #eclipse #developer #installation #download #awesome #youtube #youtuber #youtubers #subscribe #youtubevideos #sub #youtubevideo #like #identifiers #operators #variables #typesofvariables #innerclasses #static