Let's Talk Little Big Planet 4 & Media Molecule!

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Looking back, LBP was what Fortnite is trying (and arguably failing) to be. All the crossovers, a solid core game, for the creativity to be built around. Had LittleBigPlanet Hub worked out, maybe a few years later, it would've been just as big.


A Little Big Planet 4 Would literally save Media Molecule if its done correctly

Little Big Planet i feel like it deserves more, like being released on everything and maybe one day a remake of the first game with aspects of the other games, a better story, some of the other tools you can use, but still using the cardboard cutouts as characters


as a "hardcore fan" who's childhood was definitely changed for a massive part, i REALLY hope we can get an LBP4. i literally started playing LBP3 again at the end of 2023 and i was immediately transported to the days of hanging out with friends on LBP2. absolute beauty of a franchise, it's a real shame how sumo/sony are literally trying to kill it.


Just IMAGINE what people could do in a lbp for ps5. Really hope they release a new lbp 🥺


i seriously hope a new littlebigplanet comes out. i used to play all the littlebigplanet games for hours on end with my older sister, and we were sad when littlebigplanet was shut down.


As a community we can change the perception of how little big planet was harshly let go by Sony. The staff still do interviews and younger people still love coming to play. If it encourages creativity then we must protect it because how many things in life do such a thing?


Personally, i think they should combine the good ideas or dream, with the good aspects of LBP.


If Media Molecule makes LBP 4 they don't even know how hard I'd go for it. Hype it for all younger people I know and play it myself, maybe even get copies as gifts. Its such an important game that has no equal in my opinion


Jeez, I played Little Big Planet 2 and 3 as a child, I was 7 or 8 years old. The games earned a permanent spot in my childhood forever. I would just play it with me and my cousin all of the time.


I really miss LBP2 on all sights. Creativity, time I've spent commenting on my friends' profiles... Aside from its creativity LBP surely was a unique way of communicating, connecting with both friends and strangers. In my opinion LBP4 can bring all this back but we don't feel listened to by MM, even if we are a solid community... We sure can rebuild everything, but we need the opportunity to do so :(

P.s: i've just discovered your channel and i hope you'll keep on making videos!!!


Tbh I will never forget this incredible game


They have already confirmed the new game doesn’t utilize any existing IPs… how does the “possibility of LBP4 loom large”?


Plot twist: the purple controller isnt anything to do with a new game, thats just there way to mark which game shave servers down.


One thing I think would be a huge help to have the soundtracks (interactive and licensed) from LBP1 and LBP2 added to create mode, I want to relive the Beauty and sound of those tracks in levels to make even if I can’t share them


RIP LittleBigPlanet 4 and LittleBigPlanet Online 2008-2024


At this point just add a level creator to sackboys a big adventure


I feel like a LittleBigPlanet collection with all 3 games and it's online component and community levels would be a safer option for Media Molecule.

Mainly cause all three of them are dead and would be the perfect time to port them to newer hardware.


Save your company and
Make a good game that everyone wants but you have to wait to make your own thing

Fuck all and make some bull shit that no one wants and go broke but you made what you want


While I’d love for there to be a new LBP game, many stars would have to align

All we really need is a remaster of LBP3 (at least, the other games would be preferable) to the PS5 with enhanced servers


What a banger start to your channel. Immaculate vibes.
