Bottom-Up Causality in a New Setting, Michał Heller

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It is argued that, taking into account both theoretical and experimental sides of the physical method, a quite common view that physics cannot grasp the truly causal dependencies but only temporal sequences of events, is simply false. Then the interaction of bottom-up and top-down causalities, and its role in shaping the structure of the world is briefly reviewed (basing mainly on George Ellis' works). Finally, the question is asked: how this account of causality could be modified by the advent of the theory of quantum gravity?

This lecture was delivered on the 16th Kraków Methodological Conference "The Causal Universe", May 17-18, 2012.
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The basic principles of Platonic physics as of 9-10-2014
                    Roger Clough
1. All of the principles of Leibniz's Idealism, especially those of his Monadology, apply, in addition to the
principles stated here. If you do not completely understand the Monadology, you may misinterpret
what is said here.

2. The universe consists of two completely corresponding, entangled realms, the mental, which is alive, subjective and causative,
    and the physical, which is dead, or essentially so,   objective and passive.

3. The physical world is the world of spacetime and consists completely of bodies of matter (the physical)
    so that space does not exist other than as perceptions in memory of the relative positions of all of the
    other monads in the universe.

4. The mental world consists completely of Leibniz's monads as defined in his monadology,
    except for the the highest or most dominant element, Plato's One or Mind, which has the universe as its monad..

5. The monads are quantum waves.

6.. All causation is mental and top-down and obeys Leibniz's pre-established harmony, which ensures
    the best possible or least conflict among moving objects.otion .

7. Since the highest mental element is Plato's One or Mind. all causation and perception,
    directly and indirectly, is by the One.

8. The One is mental and timeless and contains, as part of its permanent memory,   all of what Leibniz called necessary ;logic.

9. The physical correspondent of the mental is the world of spacetime and  obeys the usual physical laws of
science including, to a certain exgtent,   Newton's laws, and Einstein's laws of relativity.

10. The preestablished harmony has as its output the harmonic motions of objects in the everyday spacetime world of physics.

11. The physical world is the physical, spacetime  world of science and experimentation, but is perceived by individuals as phenomenol,
    meaning from only one point of view.

12. Since the physical world of spacetime is completely made of matter and force is not matter, force,
including the four principal forces, is a mental component of causation.

13. Thermodynamics, as well as all physical laws, are the mental rules of conduct of material bodies.

14. The universe is cybernetic, in which the One is the singular point of perception and control of the Many
    physical bodies in the universe, just as a monarch controls his kingdom..

15. As such, there can and must be only one of the One.

16. Perception is the conversion of the physical, by the One through its monads, into experience and memory
    by the One.

17. The physical world of spacetime and its physical objects, was made by the explosive creation of
    physical objects from Plato's Mind into spacetime.

18. Life was also created at this time.

19. Intelligence is ability to freely make choices.

19. The One has the free will, within the constraints of the pre-established harmony,
     and the intelligence and Mind, such that it is identical to Life.

20.  Thus the universe exploded out of Life.

21. The basic characteristics of monads are given in Leibniz's Monadology.  They are
    sets, I surmise,   in the mathematical sense of complete concepts, are alive, and are
    nested to an infinitesimal degree. Much more is said of them in the Monadology.
    If you do not completely understand the Monadology, you may misinterpret
    what is said here.

22. Each human being is a complete concept and so is a monad containing other
    monads, the principal one of which is the small m mind and its neurons.

24.  The brain is a passive object completely controlled by Mind.   

25. Each neuron is a monad.

26. Human perception occurs as input sensory nerve singles in the brain
    are  transformed by Mind into quanta of experience.

27 The awareness or apperception (to use Leibniz's term)  of these experiences is called consciousness.

28. Since Mind is time-invariant, consciousness consists of changes in Mind, of a ordered
    set of perceptions  similar to the sequence of frames of a movie. But the brain
    actually perceives such sequences as it would a movie.

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).


A top-down theory of mind and brain based on neuroscience, and double aspect theory

Cybernetics is the top-down control theory similar to the top-down metaphysics of Plato-Leibniz.
Neuroscience  consists of studying  the mental functions assigned to physical components of the brain, providing a double aspect theory of psychology. This dualism also permits drawing a systems theory or cybernetic map of the mind/brain in which all brain functions are created and controlled by Mind. This corrects what we consider to be the current erroneous theory of mind, in which mind is an emanatioon or emergence from the brain.

To apply this concept, from neuroscience. we can obtain a rough map of brain functions, an example of which is given below, taken from

According to the above link, there are five basic components of the brain, which provide the  five mental functions:
Frontal lobe - This controls thought, memory, planning, problem solving and behaviour.
Parietal lobe - This is responsible for language, helping us form words and thoughts. It also deals with touch and how we recognise sensations, and helps us be aware of our body position.  
Temporal lobe - This helps us understand and process what we hear. It’s also involved with how we learn and organise information.The temporal lobe is also responsible for emotions and emotional memory.
Occipital lobe -- This is where all visual information is processed, such as colour, shape and distance.
Cerebellum- This is the back part of the brain and is concerned with balance and coordination.

Assuming these to be the five major functions/components, we can assign Leibnizian monads to these and arrange them systematicaly according to the five phase cycle of traditional chinese medicine. To do so, we note that according to wuxing, or traditional chinese medicine 
the major brain functions are associated with the five senses, in keeping with Locke and the British empiricists, in which all (current) knowledge from the outer world is obtained through the five senses.
Thus we can assign the five brain components (lobes) to the monads of the five mental components. 
Frontal Lobe =>-Metal => thought, skin, touch
Parietal Lobe =>- Water => ears, hearing and sound processing
Occipital Lobe =>- Wood => vision and visual processing

Temporal Lobe => Fire, speech,   organizing information. passions

Cerebellum => Earth  => balance, coordination'

The brain then works in a cyclic fashion, and in the generating cycle,

Metal neurons feed into Water neurons into Wood neurons into
Fire neurons into Earth neurons back into Metal neurons.

There is also a destructive cycle in wuxing, but at the moment it does not seem to apply to the brain.

These five monads are subset of the higher level o9f mind, The One or Mind (the Self), which
perceives all of the sensory signals coming from the monads of the five basic components
and adjusts each one in accordance with Leibniz's pre-established order, which tends
to operate by Aristotle's "final causation" so that the mind tends to act, as all life
does, purposefully.
Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).


 Evolution deals with effects,  not with causes, , , that makes it an incomplete theory.  An incomplete explanation of our actual state of being and origin of men in itself.  This causes,  holes in evolution.
