CONFidence 2014: NSA for dummies ...methods to break RSA - Aluc Dracul
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This talk is meant to show the possibilities of breaking eMail encryption based on ECDH RSA.
Part I:
What is crypto?
Y = {e(x, k) | x ∈ X, k ∈ K}
a short recap of the RSA theorem (xed = x(xϕ(n))z ≡x mod n) and the Diffie Hellman sheme, DSA and how it works in practice.
Part II:
Linear algebra
Euler's totient theorem
Number theory computation
What is factoring?
Trial Division
Pollard p-1 method
Pollard roh
Lenstra's elyptic curve methode
Quadratic sive
Part III
Breaking keys using lattices
Lattices low exponents
Partial keys
Coppersmith's method
So how far can a 3 letter service use that? Where are the computational limitations?
Part I:
What is crypto?
Y = {e(x, k) | x ∈ X, k ∈ K}
a short recap of the RSA theorem (xed = x(xϕ(n))z ≡x mod n) and the Diffie Hellman sheme, DSA and how it works in practice.
Part II:
Linear algebra
Euler's totient theorem
Number theory computation
What is factoring?
Trial Division
Pollard p-1 method
Pollard roh
Lenstra's elyptic curve methode
Quadratic sive
Part III
Breaking keys using lattices
Lattices low exponents
Partial keys
Coppersmith's method
So how far can a 3 letter service use that? Where are the computational limitations?
CONFidence 2014: NSA for dummies ...methods to break RSA - Aluc Dracul
NSA for dummies methods to break RSA Aluc Dracul
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