The Race To Unlimited Energy: Nuclear Fusion vs H2IL Hydrogen Power - 2018

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The holy-grail of energy is a solution that produces more energy than the energy needed to run while not reliant on intermittent natural forces. This is the goal of nuclear fusion but it appears another technology has superseded it!

The presented patented technology could be the answer to the worlds hydrogen and energy supply needs.

A research and development company based in New Zealand is reaching out to major organizations either within the energy sectors or other entrepreneurial type corporations who have the necessary financial strength and capacity to acquire the patents for this technology.

If you know someone who would have a vested interested in this type of technology then please forward them a link to this video.

If you play a leading role within a major corporation that would be in the position to acquire this proven technology and international patents, please visit the H2IL website where you will find our contact details.

Рекомендации по теме

Very well done. Would like to see your electrolysis cell. Do you work with a colloidal electrolyte as the positive Electrode as some kind of space charge which will bind the oxygen ? How many oxygen can be bound into the electrolyte and why does only hydrogen come out ? Do you discharge the cell again, after the pulse so the oxygen ion goes back into the electrolyte solution and thus only H2 gas will come out ??
