Dragon Rig. Blender Rigify with Procedural Motion

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This dragon guy is very important to me. I had to rig one like him for a job. I managed to do it but I CRIED tears of desperation in the process. This prompted me to look into rigify. Many people think rigify is just for bipeds but really you can rig anything with it. The resulting rig is stable and versatile.I
am working on a course in Rigify. Subscribe to stay informed.
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Note: This is like Patreon but much better :)
Rigify FREE Playlist
✔Advanced Rigify Chapters($):
✔I have setup a hub page for the course. There you'll find the most up-to-date info.
❖Rig Anything With Rigify (coupon code "cgdive" = 20% off)
Alivenimation course in Blender
❖The art of effective rigging in Blender (coupon code "cgdive" = 10% off))
❖Hard Surface Rigging In Blender
❖RBF Drivers
am working on a course in Rigify. Subscribe to stay informed.
❖Get all CGDive courses for just $5.99 per month!❖
Note: This is like Patreon but much better :)
Rigify FREE Playlist
✔Advanced Rigify Chapters($):
✔I have setup a hub page for the course. There you'll find the most up-to-date info.
❖Rig Anything With Rigify (coupon code "cgdive" = 20% off)
Alivenimation course in Blender
❖The art of effective rigging in Blender (coupon code "cgdive" = 10% off))
❖Hard Surface Rigging In Blender
❖RBF Drivers
Dragon Rig. Blender Rigify with Procedural Motion
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