Roblox Specter - How To Identify Ghost Guide!

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Here’s all the ghost’s evidence.
Banshee / Freezing Temperatures / Fingerprints / EMF 5
Demon / Freezing Temperatures / Spirit Box / Writing
Jinn / Spirit Box / Orbs / EMF 5
Mare / Freezing Temperatures / Spirit Box / Orbs
Oni / Writing / Spirit Box / EMF 5
Phantom / Freezing Temperatures / Orbs / EMF 5
Poltergeist / Spirit Box / Fingerprints/ Orbs
Revenant / Writing / Fingerprints / EMF 5
Shade / Writing / Orbs / EMF 5
Spirit / Spirit Box / Writing / Fingerprints
Wraith / Freezing Temperatures / Spirit Box / Fingerprints
Yurei / Freezing Temperatures / Writing / Orbs

I’d like to add that ruling out evidence can also help you figure out the ghost. For example, if you know there’s no spirit box response and no freezing temp, you could rule out every ghost but Shade and Revenant instead of looking at the situation with nothing.

How to Rule Out Evidence

If you ask ‘Are you here?’ Five times and there’s no response, rule spirit box out. Remember that the lights in the room have to be out, (not including flashlights) and you have to be near the spirit box. This has never failed me.
To rule out fingerprints, you need to wait for a knocking noise, like at 0:51 in the video. Check ALL the windows and light switches in the room, and if none of them have fingerprints, you can rule it out.
Freezing temp is pretty easy to rule out. If there’s no smoke, there’s no freezing temp. If you’re checking the temp reader, remember it has to be below zero to count.
Unfortunately, you can never rule out writing EMF 5 or orbs.

And, lastly, my personal guide to each ghost type.

Pretty easy to figure out. Freezing temp can be detected upon entering the room, and they leave fingerprints quickly. If you think it might be a wraith and not a banshee, just ask it the Are you here? question five times and see if it responds. They’re obsessed with cutting the power. They usually don’t hunt unless you’ve been in the map for a while.

Easy to moderate to figure out. Freezing temp is again easy to find, and copy pasting Are you here? Five times for spirit box is easy enough. They also don’t make you wait forever to write, and spamming them with questions will get it to write fast. In my experience, they might let you flick half the lights on in the map and do nothing about it. The problem with them is how randomly they hunt. You might just get in the door before it hunts, and sometimes they won’t hunt in all of twenty minutes. The one thing you can count on is reasonable time after a hunt.

Moderate difficulty. The first thing you’ll see from one is a spirit box response. If you ask enough questions, you’ll probably get EMF 5 a couple times. The hard part is getting them to show orbs, which might take a while. The goggle user should be very patient. You’ll certainly see a hunt from a jinn, no question. They take *everything* you do as a reason to hunt.

Moderate difficulty. The main problem is getting them confused with a demon, or a wraith. Freezing temp and spirit box response are easy to do, but it’ll take some time to find orbs. You’ll definitely get a hunt from a mare after you’ve settled in the ghost room. Some things I’ve noticed with mares is that they love to do the creepy laugh when you pass by the teenager’s bedroom in luxury home, and also enjoy cutting the power more than they should.

Easy to moderate difficulty. If you could describe a ghost as social, that would be this ghost. You can get everything you need if you just ask it questions. It’s chatty, it’s responses are basically instant, and it uses the questions as excuse to cause EMF 5 and write in the book. If you’re quick, you can get in and out with no hunts whatsoever, but any ghost will hunt if you take too long. Oni especially will get faster and it hunts longer if you’re slow about it, but note I mean really, really slow.

Moderate difficulty. Freezing temp is found upon entry, but in all my experience I’ve never seen EMF 5 from a phantom and it takes time to find orbs. They’re usually confused with yurei and/or banshee. I first eliminate banshee and then figure out it’s phantom because yurei write faster than any other ghost. You’ll probably see a hunt from phantom, but it’s not as trigger happy as mare or jinn and you might just get out with no incident.

Hard difficulty. The evidence you’ll first find is spirit box, and then fingerprints. However, it gets hard when you’re determining whether it’s spirit or not. Poltergeists are adamant that they show no orbs, and it’s really annoying. You can’t rely on ruling out spirit, because spirits aren’t eager to write either. Poltergeists are like phantoms in the sense that they don’t hunt until you’ve settled, but you’ll be settled for a long time waiting for those orbs to show up, and then it’ll hunt. And then you’ll look for orbs. And then it’ll hunt. Rinse and repeat and all of a sudden you’ve been stuck for ten minutes in the same room, it’s late game, and this ghost is hunting every twenty seconds. At that point I decide a spirit would never do this, and say it’s a poltergeist.

Hard difficulty. If we’re gonna call mare and jinn aggressive, then we must crown revenant the most hostile of them all. If you ask questions, it’ll write. Then it’s just seeing those fingerprints and ruling out spirit. The problem here is that revenant will hunt if you ask questions, no exceptions. Although, that doesn’t really matter because it was gonna hunt you anyway for looking at a table incorrectly. Yeah, you’ll definitely deal with a couple hunts, probably one early game. Make it to late game? You’re doomed.

Hard difficulty. The main trait of shades is that they hate giving you anything to go off of. The only way you’re getting something out of shade is if you’re alone in the room. In truth, the only evidence I’ve seen of it is writing. That’s right. One evidence. Since there’s no freezing temp and no box response from shade, I narrow it down to revenant or shade pretty quickly. After spamming it to no avail, I ask my teammates to leave the room. (Good luck public lobby players. You’ll need it.) I then spam it again, and then it writes. After that I know for sure it’s shade. So, why are they hard to beat? Because evidence is hard to come by with them, they’ll keep you in there for a while. Shade is less aggressive than mare and jinn, but that extra time you take is enough for it to hunt. After that first hunt, the ones after it get increasingly longer and super common, and shade speeds up. With other ghosts this change is more gradual, but shade takes no time getting to the limit of its ability.

Easy difficulty. Spirit is pretty much the average of all averages. Spirit box response is found first, but sometimes spirit can be difficult when you want fingerprints, either that or a war with the book and getting it to write. Spirit usually hunts mid game unless you aggro it.

Easy difficulty. Freezing temp and spirit box come easy, with the setback of fingerprints taking a little longer. In that time, it’s easy to get it confused with mare or demon. Seeing as you can’t rule out writing or orbs, you have to get every evidence wraith provides. It hunts if you spam it too much and after you’ve settled in the ghost room for a bit. I’ve noticed they love to jump scare you on the stairs in family home.

Easy difficulty. Freezing temp is known quickly, and I’ve seen yurei write in the book within two seconds of placement, so you shouldn’t have much trouble there, but don’t rule out yurei if it doesn’t write immediately. If you know there’s writing, it’s pretty easy to figure out it’s yurei cause the other option is demon, and figuring out spirit box response is one of the easiest things in the game. They hunt mid game and they’ll give you a little leeway if you do spam too much, but this privilege does not continue later into the game.

That’s it! Hope you found this helpful.


Me finding a ghost: "i fear no men, but that thing...
* large maps *
It scares me"


Me and my friends played this game yesterday night, we were so scared since we where playing on asylum and the ghost was a old man and I said “write in the book” with the spirit box and the emf reader was max! This helped a lot, we didn’t get to identify the ghost as my friends ended the round on accident. It was fun though... fun but scary...


Is anybody not happy that this guy os being brave just for a video?


Anyone else discover the ghost before the peace timer ends or have another person with you and they do nothing and you figure it out?

Yeah happened to me both in a row today 😃✌🏻


This was so helpful!, Thank you so much! U deserve way more subs


Sometimes it takes a few attempts before the ghost uses the spirit box so y'all please keep it in mind.


Hey! im new to the channel and this really helped me Thanks!


this is so informative. thank you! this would help a lot


The worst question to ask the ghost using spirit box:

Where are you?
Show us a sign.
Are you here?

From my experience, this always led to a hunt


This was so helpful! Me and my friend got the badge! Thanks to you!


i know this is 8 months ago but i just want to say fingerprint are when you see a finger print at windows or light switch, and frezing is if temperature is below 0c(-1, -2, ...)


I used the spirit box once on the family home map and my ghost was in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Before I could even finish typing out a sentence, it came out and killed me. I was so mad too because I only had one more piece of evidence to do and it was between a spirit box or orbs. Turned out the ghost was a mare. I didn’t even get a indicator that told me it was hunting. It just popped up out of nowhere and murdered me.


Btw this video is kinda out-dated but most of it is mostly true. Tip for spirit box: most of the time for the spirit box if it doesn't answer 7-10 questions its most likely not spirit box.

Tip 2: What I have seen new players do is if their is say 2 finger prints, they put down 2 finger prints, but don't do that as you can only have 1 type of evidence. What I mean by this is that if you get freezing temps twice its just that the ghost is programmed to do that multiple times.

Tip 3: In the older days of specter if you hear a lot of banging it meant it was guaranteed to be a poltergeist, however that's not the case anymore, every ghost interacts with the environment the same. Their has been times where I have had other ghosts interact more than poltergeist's.

Tip 4: You are faster than the ghost during hunts so just run in a loop and you wont die.

Tip 5: Ghost orbs take a bit to show up now, both on camera and on goggles.

Tip for the book: It can take a while a ghost writes in it, so always have it down, and another tip is most of the audio is global, but for things like writing in the book its not, however, if you have a camera down you can hear it fine as long as you are on the camera.

Tip 7: There is always a chance for a bone to spawn, so keep a look out for that.

Tip 8: If you're starting out on the game play alleyway on easy, best map impo, and even if a map says very small another "very small" map could be bigger than the other one, so its generally speaking.


Me who always have the job to bait the ghost:
Edit: I meant to play tag with the ghost


I've been playing specter for 5 weeks and I know this but every time I put in one evidence I go to the truck for more equipment but my teammates just click the leave button the van😐


It's the worst thing when you get stuck with noobs who keep turning of the breaker and forgetting to turn on the thermometer


you missed smt
revenant is faster when you are further away from him
Jinn is just faster than the player
Poleters are loud ghosts
shades a re shy when there are more ppl araound
and thats all


One time when i was younger i was playing solo specter and got locked in a room and the ghost was running after me and i throwed random stuff at it


this was good you have a new subscriber!
