WEMAS Drehmaschine TEIL 1 😀 DIY Umbau auf 2 Motoren je 750W + Frequenzumrichter Regelung👌

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#diy #lathe #clarke

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*Bohren, Sägen + Fräsen*

Video zum Umbau einer Drehmaschine WEMAS AT500 HSA auf 2x Drehstrommotoren mit je 750W Leistung und Frequenzumrichter. Dies ist der 1.Teil.

Ähnliche oder baugleiche Maschinen sind die WEMAS AT 280. Ich glaube komplett baugleich ist die CLARK CL500M, die hauptsächlich im englisch sprachigem Raum verkauft wird. Also UK und USA.

Ich mache am Ende noch eine Auflistung, was alles investiert wurde.

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Viel Spaß beim anschauen!

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English (hope my english is good enough to explain it)

Part 1 from "Wemas - change to FU"

As my wemas AT500 HSA lathe was broken, i had a problem with the bevel gear, between the lathe and the milling transmission. it was to difficult to get a new bevel gear, so i decide to change the electric engine from 1 to 2 engines. I think maybe nearly similar machines are the Clarke CL500M.

Additional to this, i installed 2 frequency inverter, to adjust the speed and change the directions. Usually the input voltage ist 230V with single phase. If you have the right inverter, you must not change it. The inverter can give you as output 3 phases. So you can use three-phase AC motor. Believe me, it's very simpel, you will see it in one of the next parts...
And furthermore, i installed a display to see the rotation speed. Very easy and cheap too! even in one of the next parts..

For any questions, please ask in the comments..
If you like it, i'am happy for every new subscriber..now have fun!

Technische Infos:
Kamera: Sony 4K FDR-AX53
Рекомендации по теме

Hallo. Ich habe eine Wemas AT5000S Drehmaschine gekauft, aber ich habe keine Bedienungsanleitung oder Teilekatalog dafür. Hast du vielleicht so ein Buch?


Hi. Just the other day I bought a Wemas AT 500 HSA and unfortunately i have some troubles with it. I cant find any info what so ever about it online. I am looking for some sort of manual, specs, and so on but to no avail. I even emailed the wemas corporation but no reply. My machine only came with a drill chuck and im looking for a new ER collet chuck for milling. But i cant figure out which chuck to buy. Do you have any info about the machine? maybe even the manual? /Andreas
