Python Strings | Strings In Python | Python Tutorial | Python Programming | Simplilearn

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In this Python strings tutorial, you'll learn what strings are and the alterations in storing strings in variables. You'll also learn the string function to find the length of a string and how to extract a single character from a string or even a substring. We'll explore the various inbuilt functions in Python that makes it easier to work with strings, concatenate strings and use the format method for doing the same. Finally, we'll write a program to reverse every word in a string. Now, let us get started and understand Python strings in detail.

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Your last programme was really nice. :)


Stg = "Thanks for the video"


Thanks a lot for this video! I wanted to write a programme to find the initials of a name in python but was not getting function like LEFT, RIGHT or MID as in other programmes. Then I thought of a function giving me position of a character in a string like index but dint know python too has such function. tried to use INDEX(String) but it dint work. Post seeing your video, I used split function to get my initials. It helped me a lot! Thanks :) The programme is as follows:
name = input("Enter a name")
print ("The initials of", name, "are")
list=name.split(" ")
for i in list:
print (i[0].upper(), end=" ")

Also this programme just gives you initials of a 2 words name because index just gives u first occurence:
name = input("Enter a name(only first name & last name:)")
print ("The initials of", name, "are")
print (name[0], end=" ")
for i in name:
if i==" ":
c=name.index(" ")
print (name[c+1], end=" ")


Input two strings, first string contain a word and in second string contain a some letter from first string. find the second string is sub string of first without using any inbuilt function . immediate reply


Some zooming this word
Word are very small latter
Video is useful


How can I delete all the characters in the second string from the first string?


Madam, you have not used Jupyetr but pycharm? Can you please guide when to use Jupyter & when to use pycharm?


how to find total no of dfferent char avaliable in given strings


x="Welcome to Simplilearn"
for i in x.split(" "):
z=z+" "+i[::-1]

a more easier way for the exercise


Your tutorial is really very nice and important but I can't see this.


Do you have any questions on this topic? Please share your feedback in the comment section below and we'll have our experts answer it for you.
Thanks watching the video. Cheers!


I can't see any output of the program
