President Donald Trump Caves On Honoring Senator John McCain | The Last Word | MSNBC

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Pres. Trump refused to utter a kind word on John McCain for nearly 48 hours before finally relenting under pressure from veterans. Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin reacts to the president's new remarks and Presidential historian Jon Meacham gives perspective to Trump's lack of "moral leadership".

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President Donald Trump Caves On Honoring Senator John McCain | The Last Word | MSNBC
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something is seriously wrong with him.


Too little too late! At least no one will mourn trump when he's gone.


Excuse me, but a sociopath cannot feel real empathy....


Says alot about the character a person when they're barred from two funerals in less than one year. McCain's and Barbara Bush.


How can the reporter stand there and not tempted to call him "Cadet Bonespurs"?


While I seldom agreed with McCain on anything political, the man was one thing you can not say about most people in politics today. He was honest.

McCain did NOT cheat on his wife and pay hush money
McCain never took bribes to influence legislation
McCain never used campaign funds for his own private use
McCain never took advantage of the lies being told about his opponents
McCain never hired or appointed members of his own family to positions in the government
McCain didn't hang around with mobsters
McCain didn't grope women and brag about it
McCain didn't spread lies about people he didn't like
McCain didn't put children in cages

The list could go on and on, but I believe my point has been made.


Good man is about to flip on you Mr Stable Genius!!!


The best part of all of this disgraceful display of immaturity, petty vindictiveness, and utter dickish behavior, is that the McCain family have made it emphatically clear they do *not* want Donald Trump - or *any* Trump for that matter - to attend Senator McCain's funeral. But John McCain himself requested President Obama deliver a eulogy.

That is throwing shade from the grave like a boss.

Senator John McCain. Soldier. Statesman. Patriot.

Rest in Peace, sir.


Watching Melania’s face was interesting. She kept pulling a strange smile then going back to stone faced. Repeatedly.


Leave politics aside. "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country, " (John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address). John McCain sacrificed so much for this country and yet he is not recognized by the President of the United States that he is a War Hero. He contributed so much to this country and he transformed this country for the better. Trump has not displayed any scarification that is significant so it is just shameful.


‘Moral leadership’ and Trump will never be seen in the same sentence.


Disgraceful! That's why he doesn't seem to have true friends!


And this is Presidential, Not even close, If you think that this is the way to show the people how to act as a leader you don't know very much at all


I am one year older than Trump and started out life in a Wisconsin Republican household. My grandfather was a state lobbyist before "lobbyist" became a dirty word. Back then, they were intelligent men who worked for special interest groups in order to influence the laws and regulations that were passed. After WW2, a flood of returning GIs and the need to recover from the Great Depression meant that housing and jobs were a government priority. My grandfather, as a Republican lobbyist, pursued the idea that laws that benefited small and medium sized businesses were the key to America's post-war recovery. My grandmother, who ran the UoW Hospital kitchen and the UoW Women's Studies Program, frequently put on formal dinner parties in her own home for men of the Wisconsin State Legislature. My grandfather had a modest income, a nice but modest home in Madison and was gracious enough to open his home to my parents and their baby after the war until my dad's buddies converted an old chicken coop into an insulated home. Republicans lost their way around the time Nixon resigned. I've stopped even trying to vote Republican since they've been voting mindlessly in blocks of "party first". I'm sorry I'm making a hiring decision each time I vote. You better remember that you work for me, an American Citizen. The corporations from around the world can give you plenty of money, but not one legal vote. Currently, we are stuck with an illegitimate president, who yearns to be dictator, but wraps himself up in the undeserved persona of a New York City street thug. He doesn't "fit" in anyone's world. He had a choice to become a powerful man of good character, but he made the choice not to. He could have become the American people's strongest advocate, but he has chosen not to. At every decision point, he has made the decision to betray America, the American people and (yes even) the Republican Party. John McCain was the only Republican that I've voted for since Nixon. He was an exceptional man.


Maybe when DT goes they can get Putin to give the eulogy.


I didn't agree with him but my family is a military family so I have the deepest respect for a man like Senator John McCain. Rest in peace, good sir. Thank you for your service and dedication.


There are a lot if Republican's that I have no respect for, but I do and have always had respect for McCain. Complete opposite of little Donny.


In India, we felt very sorry that Senator McCain passed away. That he spent 5 years in vietnam Prison, was by itself very impressive to us. His tribute to Candidate Obama was even more impressive. He was a very great American.


That is the most unenthusiastic statement uttered by Trump. You can tell he's not present just like the statement he had to read to retract using wouldn't instead of word after that Helsinki disaster.What a child!


I am so disgusted in our nation, how did this person get in our highest office
