A BETTER Option Than the PUSH PULL LEGS Split

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Instagram: @ bendthebarman


I don't know why you would need 12 sets of shoulder work in addition to the chest work. The front delts receive plenty of stimulation through bench press, flies, etc. I would do 3-6 sets of side delt work on push day and 3 sets of rear felt work on pull day.


YouTube has been recommending many of your older videos. They are all good.


Nice video brother. I turned 40 and injuries started happening to me on a 6 day ppl split. I now run a simple 4 day push & pull routine with a 4 exercise per workout focus.
My routine focus:
Push A-Bench Press & Squat
Pull A- Bent Row & Pull Ups
Push B-Overhead Press
Pull B-Deadlifts & Loaded Carry


I'm doing a push pull legs rest upper/lower rest currently and I'm loving it It gives me enough recovery, I hit everything 2x per week, I've noticed that I have certain muscle groups that don't need as much volume as others to grow, and don't recover as quickly. Over time my training has evolved and this is what seems to work best IDK at least for now


My current order is 6 days
leg day,
Chest- Anterior+Lateral Delts - triceps,
Back- Traps - Rear Delts - Biceps

I reduced the amount of sets done for all of my exercises and focused more on mechanical tension and intensity and have come out with better results than most programs I've made or run.


I used to be a pretty die hard PPL enthusiast until I got older. I still like the split but having legs all by themselves got to be too much. I find a Push/Pull split with chest/shoulders/tris/quads on one day and back/bis/hams/traps on another basically does the same thing without beating the legs up too much. I think it's a solid alternative for the PPL people if they can tolerate using fewer exercises to get the job done.


I’ve been playing with a 5 day classic bro split. But instead if an arm day on the last day I run a full body:
Overhead press


In the past, I have done a 4 day PPL split with A/B workouts. So some level of frequency. Monday: Push A, Tuesday: Pull B, Thursday: Legs A, Friday: Push B, Monday: Pull B, Tuesday, Legs B, etc. Some body parts get hit twice a week and everything gets hit in a 9 - 10 period.


My current four day full body split:

Push A -- squats + ohp
Pull A -- dl + bent over row
Push B -- front squats + bench press
Pull B -- rdl + pullups


I use the LUBE split whenever whenever I’m incorporating heavy barbell rows or deadlifts. (though never heard that terminology before)

But I recommend doing no chest on the E day. Using that day to solely focus on the shoulders and arms.


When I do PPL I just throw in 3-6 sets of extra delts at start of leg day.


I'm doing a kind-of, sort-of Arnold split lately. Chest and back Mon/Fri (3 exercises * 3 sets of back, 2 * 3 of chest), legs Tue/Sat, shoulders/arms on Wed, cardio on Thur. I do add 3 sets of lateral raises on Mon, and 3 rear delts on Fri. Golf on Sunday, abs never. Ends up being a 5 day split where I'm hitting everything 2x per week (except abs because what am I, a girl?) with 2 "rest" days.


my current split is Power day, leg day, chest/back, shoulders( and traps)/ arms plus 2 nights a week of martial arts which is when i do my core and ab training

Power= squats, overhead presses, deadlifts/rackpulls, and bench for a 4x6 and 60-90 sec rest
The remaining days are to get that more intense volume in bc now i dont have to worry about trying to do a compound movement bc i already did them earlier in the week.

Shoulders/Arms: Shrugs, Y raises, rear delt fly, face pulls, eqyptian raises/ rear delt row super set, arms are super set as pin press/hammer curl, tri ext/ concentration curl/ skull destroyer/ preacher curl
Legs: ham curls, leg ext, leg press, rdls, step ups, glute bridges, and calf raises
Chest/back: db rows, dips, pulldowns, incline press, meadows rows, one arm pec dec, pullovers


I like upper lower 4 days a week, uppper chest, back and arms ‘ /lower is legs, shoulders, abs . It’s hard to find any perfect split, I’m never to sore and I’m consistent so I think it’s fine.


Loving those style of vidoes! keep them coming, about popular training splits options, pros and cons.


I'm on a chest/delts-back/traps-arms split.


I solved this simply by turning my PPL program into a PPPPL program, 8 day cycle: push pull rest push pull rest legs rest. But I did it because I felt that the upper body both needed a much higher frequency and healed much faster.


My current 5 day split ends up being very similar to this. Each workout has the main focus around one of the big 5 lifts. Monday is chest/tri so bench press is the main focus, Tuesday is back/bi with deadlift as the main movement, rest Wednesday, Thursday is shoulders so OHP is the focus, Friday is back again with more emphasis on rows, and Saturday is legs so squat is the main movement. Funny how I never thought of this as a push/pull/legs split but that’s kind of how it turned out.


I tried to make the PPL work in the past, and it's just a really inefficient way to check all the boxes. I can do more in less time on other splits while also getting better recovery. PPL does show up in my training every once in awhile, but I pair it with a UL strength block in my SHULPPL programs: Strength on UL days and hypertrophy on PPL days. It's just a shiny object, a little different way to organize what I'm already doing to keep myself mentally engaged. LUBE is a way better acronym, and also a logical way to reorganize the PPL in a way to address the weaknesses of the scheme.
