Είδαν Το Λαμπρό Αστέρι

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Από το ολόφρεσκο CD της παιδικής χορωδίας "Ήρθαν Χριστούγεννα Και Πάλι".
Μουσική: Πολωνικά Κάλαντα
Στίχοι : Μ. Φερεντίνου
*Διεύθυνση Χορωδίας - Χριστίνα Ξύδη Λιγνού
*Recorded, Arranged and Produced by George Ahas Lignos
*Mix - Mastering - Steve Lado
*All music performance by George ahas Lignos (DangerAngel)
(c)&(p) Emka Productions 2014.
"The copyright in this sound recording and artwork is owned by Emka Productions and Odeio Anagennisi. All unauthorized Copying, Hiring, Lending, Public Performance, Reproduction and Broadcasting Prohibited."
Μουσική: Πολωνικά Κάλαντα
Στίχοι : Μ. Φερεντίνου
*Διεύθυνση Χορωδίας - Χριστίνα Ξύδη Λιγνού
*Recorded, Arranged and Produced by George Ahas Lignos
*Mix - Mastering - Steve Lado
*All music performance by George ahas Lignos (DangerAngel)
(c)&(p) Emka Productions 2014.
"The copyright in this sound recording and artwork is owned by Emka Productions and Odeio Anagennisi. All unauthorized Copying, Hiring, Lending, Public Performance, Reproduction and Broadcasting Prohibited."